OWCP LEAVE BUY BACK PROGRAM What is the OWCP Leave Buy Back Program? Employees who elected to use their personal leave due to an on-the-job injury or illness may apply for compensation for the leave used from the Office of Worker’s Compensation Programs, US Department of Labor (OWCP). This leave buy back is only for those days that exceeded the 45 days of paid leave they first received for their injury. If an employee is experiencing an occupational disease, they can also utilize the OWCP LBB program. NO personnel action is required. Do NOT place employee in LWOP status for period of LBB being claimed. Requires changes to an employee’s timesheets (by payroll office). OWCP and the employee pay for a share of the leave to be returned to the employee’s leave balance. 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
OWCP LEAVE BUY BACK PROGRAM Resources USC 26.3121 (a) Wages (2) (A) Department of Labor http://www.dol.gov/owcp/dfec/index.htm 20 C.F.R. Part 10 DoD Leave Buy Back Process Summary 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
OWCP LEAVE BUY BACK PROGRAM Forms needed to process a claim: CA7 – Claim for Compensation CA7a – Time Analysis Form CA7b – Leave Buy Back (LBB) Worksheet/Certification and Election http://www.dol.gov/owcp/dfec/regs/compliance/forms.htm 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
OWCP LEAVE BUY BACK PROGRAM All OWCP LBB requests are received by Remedy and/or Imaging. Attach the CA7 forms to the Remedy ticket or fax them to Imaging at 1-866-401-5849. The title Worker’s Compensation Leave Buy Back has two sub-titles, ‘Leave Buy Back Payment’ and ‘Leave Buy Back Submission. ‘Leave Buy Back Payment’ has a 15 business day customer expectation response time. ‘Leave Buy Back Submission’ has a 30 business day customer expectation. Civpay technicians pull data such as Master Time & Pay Histories for the LBB time claimed. Input data into a spreadsheet which calculates the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) estimate. The FECA estimate is audited by the Civpay lead technician and certified by the first-line supervisor before sending completed forms back to agency. 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
OWCP LEAVE BUY BACK PROGRAM What type of leave can be included in a Leave Buy Back? Accrued leave such as: Annual Sick Advance Annual Advanced Sick Include Holiday Leave if the annual or sick leave is purchased on the days before and after the Holiday Leave. The Holiday leave is not restored to the employee but the funds are refunded to the agency. 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
DOL CA7 – Claim for Compensation PAGE 1 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
DOL CA7 – Claim for Compensation PAGE 2 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
DOL CA7a – Time Analysis Sheet 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
OWCP LEAVE BUY BACK PROGRAM – Accrual Loss Spreadsheet 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
DOL CA7b – Leave Buy Back Worksheet PAGE 1 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
DOL CA7b – Leave Buy Back Worksheet PAGE 2 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
OWCP LEAVE BUY BACK PROGRAM DFAS Civpay technicians will review the request and all compensation forms and calculate the FECA estimate. In the event that the hourly rate or the hours are not validated in DCPS, the forms will be annotated to indicate the discrepancies and returned for further action. Once completed, all CA7 a and b forms will be returned via Remedy. The agency will then submit the CA7 FECA forms and other documentation to the Department of Labor for review. Note: The agency should NOT collect payments from the employee until DOL pays their portion and a letter is sent to the employee from DFAS specifying the employee portion. 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
OWCP LEAVE BUY BACK PROGRAM – Gross to Net Spreadsheet 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
OWCP LEAVE BUY BACK PROGRAM – Employee Billing Information 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
OWCP LEAVE BUY BACK PROGRAM – Employee Letter 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
OWCP LEAVE BUY BACK PROGRAM - Payments Both the Department of Labor and the employee payments will be mailed to DFAS-Cleveland at PO Box 99555, Cleveland, OH 44199 The payments are posted to a database so the PRO can take appropriate action. 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
OWCP LEAVE BUY BACK PROGRAM – Employee Payment Plan 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
OWCP LEAVE BUY BACK PROGRAM – Leave Adjustments Once the employee portion has been paid in full, the timesheets are changed and/or the offline leave hours are restored to their current leave balances. Leave is changed from LA/LS to KD. KD does not affect the employee’s WIGI whereas KA will. Accruals will be reduced on the prorated amount for the pay period(s) changed. A Civpay lead technician has the access to update the timesheets which will create the indebtedness in DCPS. The Civpay lead technician will submit an internal ticket to the Debt team to have the lump sum payments posted to the debt. The agency should NOT change online or offline timecards for LBB’s. The payroll office will make all necessary timecard adjustments. 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
OWCP LEAVE BUY BACK PROGRAM – Refunds Due Refunds are due to the employee when: An employee pays for their portion before the DOL payment has been received The debt had created, the payments had not been posted, and payroll deductions were taken from their current pay Refunds will be processed by the PRO when the payment is submitted to DFAS-Cleveland. Refunds due from a payroll deduction will need to be requested via Remedy using title ‘Debt Refund’. 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
OWCP LEAVE BUY BACK PROGRAM – Taxes If both payments are received in the current tax year, the employee will receive retirement and income tax credits. If the payments are received in a prior tax year, they do not receive income tax credits, only retirement tax credits. A corrected W2 will be issued if the payments were received after the W2 has been issued and before December 31st of that tax year. A tax certificate will be issued for a prior year LBB in the following tax year. IRS Publication 17, Your Federal Income Tax (For Individuals) Worker’s Compensation 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
OWCP LEAVE BUY BACK PROGRAM QUESTIONS? 9/19/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation