The Scandinavian Sarcoma Group 25 Years´Jubilee Meeting St The Scandinavian Sarcoma Group 25 Years´Jubilee Meeting St. Petersburg, May 4-7, 2004 THOR ALVEGARD
Sarcoma tumor board Patient Treatment plan Orthopaedic surgeon Plastic Head & Neck Neuro Thorax Abdominal Cytologist Pathologist Cytogenetics X-ray diagnostician Patient Oncologist Treatment plan Surgery Radiotherapy: Preoperative Chemotherapy: Neoadjuvant Intraoperative Adjuvant Postoperative Intra-arterial Sequential Tumour necrosis factor a Brachytherapy isolated limb perfusion Hyperthermia Follow-up during and after treatment Centralized registration
Morphology (pathology and cytology) Chairman L.G. Kindblom Gothenburg Coordinators J. Wejde Stockholm B. Bjerkehagen Oslo T. Böhling Helsinki H. Domanski Lund Tumor Biology Chairmen O. Myklebost Oslo F. Mertens Lund
SSG Register Chairman H. Bauer Stockholm Coordinators Ö. Berlin Gothenburg P. Gustafson Lund C. Trovik Bergen R. Huuhtanen Helsinki Epidemiology Chairman H. Olsson Lund
Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Chairman I. Taksdal Oslo Coordinators V. Söderlund Stockholm M. Winderen Oslo
Surgery Chairman G. Follerås Oslo Coordinator O. Brosjö Stockholm Skeletal Metastasis Chairmen R. Wedin Stockholm J. Keller Aarhus
Chemotherapy Chairman S. Smeland Oslo Coordinator T. Wiebe Lund Clinical Pharmacology Chairman T. Skärby Lund Radiotherapy Chairman C. Blomqvist Helsinki Coordinators I. Turesson Uppsala Ø. Bruland Oslo
Theses planed MFH J. Engellau, 03 12 04, Lund Leiomyosarcoma C. Svarvar, Helsinki Liposarcoma K. Engström, Gothenburg Chondrosarcoma B. Widhe, Stockholm Quality of life L. H. Aksnes, Oslo Skeletal metastases B. H. Hansen, Århus
Soft Tissue Sarcoma SSG I Adjuvant chemotherapy in STS 1981 – 86 SSG V Treatment program for STS 1986 – SSG X Treatment of metastatic STS (VIG) 1991 – 97 SSG XII Metastasecetomy and CHT for lungmet. 1996 – 97 from STS. An EORTC/SSG randomized phase III study SSG XIII Treatment protocol for adults with 1998 – high-risk STS in extremities and trunk wall May 2004
Osteosarcoma SSG II Combination therapy in OS 1982 – 1990 SSG VIII Therapy of OS 1990 – 1998 ISG/SSG I An Italian-Scandinavian treatment and 1997 – 2000 research protocol for high-grade osteosarcoma of the extremities ISG/SSG II Treatment of metastatic and pelvic 1998 – 2003 osteosarcoma SSG XIV A Scandinavian treatment research 2000 protocol for extemity localized high- grade osteosarcoma Euroboss I A European treatment protocol for bone 2003 sarcoma in patients older than 40 years Euramos I An American/European treatment protocol 2004 for OS in patients <40 years May 2004
Ewing´s sarcoma SSG IV Combined modality therapy in EWS 1984 – 90 SSG IX Therapy of EWS 1990 – 99 ISG/SSG III ISG/SSG treatment protocol for 1999 non-metastatic EWS ISG/SSG IV ISG/SSG treatment protocol for 1999 high-risk EWS May 2004
Newly initiated SSG protocols SSG XVI Centralized registration of patients with 2000 surgically treated skeletal metastases Recommendations for the Diagnosis and 2002 Treatment of Intraabdominal and Retroperitoneal Sarcomas SSG XVIII GIST (Adjuvant treatment) 2004 Euramos I 2004 Recommendations for the treatment of 2004 metastatic STS May 2004
Translational Sarcoma Research Future directions Cancer Registries Biobanks Translational Sarcoma Research
Photo: Eva Henriksson