URL: https://b2b.ext.ti.com/webdirect To Logon: URL: https://b2b.ext.ti.com/webdirect Input: Login ID (user email address) Input: Password (user-defined at registration) Press: “Login” “Welcome” page will appear
Select desired transaction option from list Supplier receives notification of pending items: Immediately upon new item entering queue (by email – optional) Reminder email if one or more items remain at end of day
Supplier number(s) / name appears in “Supplier” field ACTION: Select “PO acknowledgement” to access pending items
Pending documents appear for review ACTION: Select item(s) to view using “ “ in left column (up to 5 items on same PO) Press “Create Acknowledgement” to go to item detail page
Top portion of item detail appears ACTIONS: Verify details are correct (price, description, part # etc) Enter “Acknowledged quantity” and “Acknowledged date” in right columns. NOTES: - Date is arrival date at TI, or completion of service Advise buyer by email if any data requires change prior to acknowledgement
Scroll down to middle detail section ACTION: Update email addresses if needed for notification (default is supplier user and TI buyer) Add any text needed in “email message” section for reference Verify clause data, if any Press “Submit” when ready to return acknowledgement
Acknowledgement sends to TI via web Email confirmation sends to noted email addresses for supplier and TI System returns to “Pending documents” page, noting “OK” for items acknowledged. OK
For PO Changes Change type noted in “CHG” column; view as change to previously acknowledged PO Change types for: Date, qty, price, or multiple (“CHG”) Same review / process as for new PO ACTION: Select item using “ “ Press “Create acknowledgement” to view change request
PO acknowledgement change detail appears Last prior acknowledgement summary noted View changed data field(s) (Date, price, qty, etc..). ACTION(S): Input acknowledged qty / date, and press “submit” If change not possible, advise buyer by email