Ordering Process Direct customers to your website and click on the Products tab
Ordering Process
Ordering Process
Ordering Process
Ordering Process Step 1: Customer will make their coffee selection(s) by adding selected items to their shopping cart.
Ordering Process Step 2: The customer’s Product(s), Price, Quantity and Total will be displayed. Customer can remove, add and edit the quantity of their item(s). Customer will review/confirm their selection(s).
Ordering Process Step 2 Continued: Customer will enter Country, State/Province and Zip/postal code. Customers Sub-total, Shipping, Taxes (if applicable) and Total will be displayed. Customer will agree to terms of service.
Ordering Process Step 3: External customers will be required to create a user account. For representatives enrolled prior to 1/24/14 -Your account information was provided to you via email. For representatives who enrolled after 1/24/14- You will log into your account using your RIN and temporary VO password. There is also a Remember me and Forgot password feature on this page.
Password Recovery Customers that forget their password can request a new one simply by clicking on the ‘Forgot Password’ link and providing the email address on file.
Password Recovery Customers will receive an email containing a link to change their password.
Password Recovery Customer will select and confirm their new password.
Password Recovery Once the customer hits Recover a ‘Your password has been changed’ message will be displayed at the top of the page. Customer may log into their account using the new password.
Password Recovery If an invalid email is entered an error message will display ‘Email not found’ at the top of the page.
Ordering Process Step 4: External Customers will set up their online MontaVida accounts. Basic information will be pre-populated for 5LINX Representatives.
Ordering Process Step 5: Customer will enter their billing information.
Ordering Process Step 6 : Customer will enter their shipping address. Customers will have the option of selecting their billing address (entered in step 6) as their shipping address if the two addresses are the same.
Ordering Process Step 6 continued: If the shipping address is different from the billing address customer may select the ‘new address’ option to enter a new address.
Ordering Process Step 7: Customer will view their shipping method.
Ordering Process Step 8: Customer will enter their payment information.
Ordering Process Step 9: Customer will verify order information is correct and confirm order.
Ordering Process Prior to confirming the order the customer can edit/change their: Billing Address, Shipping Address, Shipping Method, Payment Method, or Payment Information simply by clicking on the tab where the update/change needs to occur.
Ordering Process Customer will have the option to view order details by clicking on the ‘Click here for order details’ link.
Order Details Customer may view their order details by clicking on the ‘click here for order details’ link on the Thank You page. Here they will have the option to view a PDF format and print order details.
Accepted Orders Orders will show on the personal customer report within an hour of purchase. Items will show active once order ships. Additional order details will be emailed to the customer.