International Union of Forest Research Organizations: “IUFRO” IAMSLIC: Every Continent, Every Ocean October 8-12, 2006 Portland, Oregon, USA Bonnie: Thank you for this opportunity to tell you a bit about the International Union of Forest Research Organizations, or IUFRO. Both Bart and I are relative new-comers to IUFRO and have relied on our colleagues there for much of the information we will present today. I thought our first challenge would be making a connection between the forest and the sea. Then Google came to my rescue with this quote from the State of Canadian Forests 2001/2002: [enter] Bart Goossens – IUFRO 06.03.00 Research Institute for Nature and Forest Bonnie Avery – IUFRO 06.03.01 Oregon State University Libraries
“Trying to describe the Canadian forest is like trying to describe the sea. You see it, but you can’t hold it with a look; you admire it even as you fear it; it seems the same, but is constantly changing; it’s quiet on the surface, but ready to burst into a torrent of flames. It is vast, diverse, living and working.” --State of Canadian Forests 2001/2002 -- Bonnie: “Trying to describe the Canadian forest is like trying to describe the sea. You see it --- but you can’t hold it with a look; you admire it -- even as you fear it; it seems the same, -- but is constantly changing; it’s quiet on the surface,-- but ready to burst into a torrent of flames. It is vast, diverse, living and working.” This quotation might also serve as an introduction to IUFRO. Though I don’t think it will burst into flames anytime soon, IUFRO does bear some resemblance to the forest (or the sea) as described here.
Division 6.03.00 – Information services and knowledge organization CONTENTS Introduction to IUFRO Division 6.03.00 – Information services and knowledge organization Issues facing Forestry Librarians Perspectives and Discussion Bonnie: Today, Bart will give you an overview of the larger IUFRO organization and then I’ll concentrate on Division 6.03 and its sub-divisions which center on information services and knowledge organization. Finally we thought it would be useful to relate some of the issues we see facing forestry librarians and roles IUFRO might play in addressing these. We think Division 6.03 would benefit by taking a page or two from the history of IAMSLIC and we hope you will share your thoughts with us on this. So let us begin with an introduction to this global organization of organizations, IUFRO.
What is IUFRO? IUFRO is the global network for forest science cooperation; IUFRO is the only world-wide international organization devoted to forest research; IUFRO unites more than 15,000 scientists in almost 700 Member Organizations in more than 110 countries; Founded in 1892, IUFRO has a long history of international forest science cooperation It is a non-profit, non-governmental organization Bart: Well, what is IUFRO exactly? IUFRO is the global network for forest science cooperation; IUFRO is the only world-wide international organization devoted to forest research; There are other international organizations addressing forest research like CIFOR, World Agroforestry Centre, etc., but IUFRO is the only one that brings together research organizations, universities and individual scientists from throughout the world to address research questions and sharing new research. IUFRO unites more than 15,000 scientists in almost 700 Member Organizations in more than 110 countries so IUFRO is a very big organization. Founded in 1892, IUFRO has a long history of international forest science cooperation. It’s important to know that cooperation in IUFRO is on a voluntary basis. It is a non-profit, non-governmental organization and is open to all individuals and organizations dedicated to forest and forest products research and related disciplines
Vision science-based management, conservation and sustainable development of the world’s forest resources for the benefit of present and future generations. Bart: The vision is of science-based sustainable management of the world’s forest resources for economic, environmental and social benefits. Inspired by this vision, IUFRO works towards achieving the following mission:
Mission IUFRO promotes global cooperation in forest-related research and enhances the understanding of the ecological, economic and social aspects of forests and trees. It disseminates scientific knowledge to stakeholders and decision-makers and contributes to forest policy and on-the-ground forest management. Bart: IUFRO’s Mission is to promote global cooperation in forest-related research and to enhance the understanding of the ecological, economic and social aspects of forests and trees; as well as to disseminate scientific knowledge to stakeholders and decision-makers and to contribute to forest policy and on-theground forest management. In pursuing this Mission, IUFRO has identified three strategic goals and related objectives for the period 2006-2010 which support IUFRO as well as its members.
GOALS 2006-2010 GOAL 1: To strengthen research for the benefit of forests and people 1.1 To address the changing research needs and priorities related to forests and trees 1.2 To promote quality research, improve equity, and strengthen scientific capacity 1.3 To strengthen the administrative, financial and legal foundations of IUFRO for the benefit of its members GOAL 2: To expand strategic partnerships and cooperation 2.1 To enhance interdisciplinary cooperation within the scientific community 2.2 To expand partnerships and collaboration of IUFRO with international organizations, governments and stakeholders 2.3 To strengthen cooperation within and between regions GOAL 3: To strengthen communication and links within the scientific community and with students as well as with policy makers and society at large 3.1 To enhance communication within the scientific community and increase interest and involvement of students in forest science 3.2 To strengthen links between science and policy and provide scientific information and advice for international policy-making 3.3 To increase public awareness about forest science Bart: The first goal is to strengthen research for the benefit of forests and people By addressing changing research needs; promoting quality research and strengthening the administrative, financial and legal foundations The second goal is to expand strategic partnerships and cooperation By enhancing interdisciplinary cooperation; expanding partnerships and collaboration and strengthening cooperation within and between regions The third and final goal is to strengthen communication and links within the scientific community and with students as well as with policy makers and society at large By enhancing communication within the scientific community and increasing interest and involvement of students in forest science; strengthening links between science and policy and by increasing public awareness about forest science
IUFRO structure (1) Eight permanent Divisions covering key forest research fields; Silviculture Physiology and Genetics Forest Operations Engineering and Management Forest Assessment, Modelling and Management Forest Products Social, Economic, Information and Policy Sciences Forest Health Forest Environment Within the Divisions, about 280 Research Groups and Working Parties address specific research topics. Bart: How is IUFRO structured? The scientific activity of IUFRO is spread over these eigth permanent divisions covering key forest research fields. Bonnie will tell you later in this presentation much more about division 6 Social, Economic, Information and Policy Sciences. The main function of Divisions is to support researchers in collaborative work and to provide an organizational link among Research Groups and their associated Working Parties and also between these Groups and the IUFRO Board. This thematic structure brings together scientists who have a similar interest but work under different economic, political and environmental conditions. Within the Divisions, about 280 Research Groups and working Parties address specific research topics.
IUFRO structure (2) Task Forces are established on a temporary basis for inter-disciplinary cooperation in inter-divisional forest research fields. Communicating Forest Science Endangered Species and Nature Conservation Forests and Carbon Sequestration Forests and Genetically Modified Trees Forests and Human Well-Being Forests and Water Interactions Forest Science-Policy Interface Illegal Logging and FLEGT Traditional Forest Knowledge Bart: Different Task Forces are established on a temporary basis for inter-disciplinary cooperation in inter-divisional forest research fields. The aim of these Task Forces is to strengthen IUFRO activities in specific areas. They contribute to international processes and activities.
IUFRO structure (3) Special Programmes and Projects provide services that support the science collaboration in IUFRO: IUFRO Special Programme for Developing Countries SilvaVoc Terminology Project IUFRO Special Project “World Forests, Society and Environment” Global Forest Information Service (GFIS) –Joint Initiative of the CPF Bart: Special Programmes and Projects provide services that support the science collaboration in IUFRO. Special Programmes are long-term activities with the aim to improve networking, research capacities and information exchange and Special Projects are limited-term activities with specific objectives. Programmes and projects that are currently in proces are: IUFRO Special Programme for Developing Countries SilvaVoc Terminology Project IUFRO Special Project “World Forests, Society and Environment” And the for us very useful and important Global Forest Information Service (GFIS)
Global Forest Information Service (GFIS) GFIS is an internet gateway that provides free access to information resources through metadata harvesting. GFIS is a partnership of information providers. GFIS browsing and metadata search facilities allow the user to locate forest related information through a single entry point Users can locate maps, datasets, web resources, journal articles, books and other resources relevant to their forest information needs. (hosted by FAO) Bart: GFIS is an internet gateway that provides access to information resources through metadata harvesting. It’s a partnership of information providers and it provides an open exchange standard for its information categories. The standard helps partners to generate their inputs and allows them to manage their contributions to GFIS. The standard is based on the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DMCI) and on AGRIS (FAO) metadata schemas. The website provides full documentation of the information exchange standard, as well as a control panel where partners manage their contribution details. Browsing and metadata search facilities allow the user to locate forest related information through a single entry point. Users can locate maps, datasets, web resources, journal articles, books and other resources relevant to their forest information needs.
Global Forest Information Service (GFIS) Bart: GFIS is an initiative of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) led by IUFRO and the website is hosted by FAO. GFIS also maintains and publishes a database of partner information services, as well as a Google-based search tool.
Member Benefits the possibility of global networking in forest research and related sciences the receipt of documentation the guaranteed unrestricted access to the IUFRO website ( the possibility of a free link of your organization’s own homepage to the IUFRO website the advantage of IUFRO’s representation at regional, national and international fora such as UNFF and the advantage of IUFRO’s close cooperation with other scientific fields and groups of civil society. Bart: What are the benefits for IUFRO members? A member has: The possibility of global networking in forest research and related sciences and receives documentation from the IUFRO Secretariat, including electronic newsletters 10 times a year, annual reports, Congress proceedings and brochures Members have the guaranteed unrestricted access to the IUFRO website ( via membership login, including information on - the IUFRO World Congress; - IUFRO's Projects and Programmes; IUFRO's on-line databases and IUFRO's publications Every member can add a link of his organization’s own homepage to the IUFRO website and can represent iufro at regional, national and international fora Bart: Transition to Bonnie: And, now Bonnie will show you where the librarians and information specialists are located within IUFRO and some of their accomplishments to date.
Bonnie: Thank you Bart. The IUFRO website masks the extent of specialization Bart noted. If we take a deeper look at Division 6 which is devoted to Social, Economic, Information and Policy Sciences, you get a sense of the overall structure and level of specialization that runs throughout IUFRO. Within Division 06, section 03 [enter] is devoted to Information services and knowledge organization and has four subdivisions. This seemingly small portion of IUFRO has a fairly impressive history related to the dissemination of forestry information. [enter]
Division 6.03.00 – Information services and knowledge organization History with thanks to Roger Mills – Oxford Forest Information Service Division Activities Carol Green – University of Washington Barbara Holder – FORINTEK Canada Corp., Vancouver, BC Issues facing forestry librarians Bonnie: So, to offer a more accurate picture, I would like to give you a short history of this division. For this I thank [enter star] Roger Mills of the Oxford Forest Information Service and the current Coordinator of Division 6.03. Next I’ll give you an overview of recent activities of the division for which [enter star] Carol Green -- recently retired Forestry Librarian from the University of Washington and, [enter star] Barbara Holder, librarian at FORINTEK Canada have taken major roles. Finally, I’ll take note of a few issues facing forestry librarians. These may not be unique to us, but they serve as a reason to reassess our role within IUFRO. [enter]
Pre-World War I, 1903-1914 IUFRO “Bibliographical Committee” is formed Need for a bibliography observed in 1903 “International Committee on Forest Bibliography” formed in 1906 Goals Secretariat (permanent home for bibliography) Support work via Subscriptions Create Card catalogue and ‘quarterly magazine’ Publish index to past literature from 1750 in book form All activity stopped by the first World War Bonnie: So lets turn back time 100 years. The then Association of Forestry Research Organizations, is just over 10 years old. At its third meeting, the need for a bibliography is observed. In 1906, at the fourth meeting, the International Committee on Forest Bibliography is formed. It is decided that the system used to organize this bibliography should be Dewey based and that this activity needs a permanent home or secretariat. By 1908, this secretariat is authorized and set to be located at the Swiss Federal Institute of Forest Research. The decision is made to: To take subscriptions in order to maintain a current bibliography in the form of a quarterly magazine and also, To compile and publish references to the literature back to 1750 in book form. Unfortunately the first world war puts a stop to this activity and discussions do not resume until 1922 by which time the subscription funds have suffered from inflation and are gone. [enter]
Between world wars, 1922-39 Birmensdorf to Oxford Forest Bibliography: an International Decimal Classification on the basis of Melvil Dewey’s system -- the “Flury system” (Dr. Philipp Flury, Birmensdorf) published in German 1933, translated to French and English in 1936 Professor R.S. Troup Imperial Forestry Institute (Oxford) Chairs Bibliographical committee card index and ‘magazine’ Current Monthly Record of Forestry Literature in 1934 Imperial Agricultural Bureaux (IAB/CAB) invited to found Imperial Forestry Bureau (IFB/CFB) at Oxford with IUFRO’s support 1938 Forestry Abstracts first published 1939 World War II ends plans for IUFRO International Forestry Bibliography Secretariat Bonnie: Without funds, the future of a permanent secretariat in Switzerland is in question. But soon, R. S. Troup a professor of forestry at Oxford takes over as Chair of the Bibliographical committee. And this move of the committee chair to Oxford begins a more or less permanent connection between Oxford and what we now know as division 06.03. Troup sees the need for an extended version of Dewey to organize a bibliographic clearinghouse. Thanks to the work of Philipp Flury, who is serving as secretary of the Bibliographical Committee, the Forest Bibliography takes shape. In 1933, it is published in German, the language of forest research at the time. Three years later it is translated into French and English. It is widely referred to as the “Flury system” and authors are encouraged to add “Flury” numbers as keywords to their articles. At Oxford, the Flury system is immediately adopted by Troup to organize references in the Current Monthly Record and the card catalog. But maintenance of these services proves too much for the forestry library staff of 1.5. So, with the full support of IUFRO, Oxford invites, the abstracting organization, the Imperial Agriculture Bureaux (now CAB), to form a new bureau for Forestry at Oxford. Their offer is accepted in 1938. This allows the Oxford Forestry Institute Library to continue as an archive and clearinghouse while the Imperial Forestry Bureau provides full indexing for each item received. As the second world war begins in 1939, so does the publication of Forestry Abstracts taking the place of the Current Monthly Record but continuing to serve the original goal of the Bibliographical committee. The second world war also marks the end for any effort by IUFRO to create a separate secretariat, for its bibliographic endeavors. [enter]
Post World War II, 1945-1971: Bibliographical Committee revived as “Joint FAO/IUFRO Committee on Forest Bibliography” (IUFRO Section 01) Joint Committee is closely allied with Oxford Forestry Institute (OFI) whose library by default adopts the Clearinghouse role Receives > 2000 current serials (~1900 via donation) All contents indexed and abstracted via CFB. CFB begins work on a New Forestry classification in 1949, the Oxford System of Decimal Classification for Forestry, adopted by IUFRO and FAO in 1953 published in 1955 by the Commonwealth Agriculture Bureaux (CAB) Joint Committee embarks on publication of a multi-lingual terminology, Terminology of Forest Science, Technology, Practice and Products, published in 1971 by SAF. Bonnie: After the war, with the IUFRO clearinghouse role falling by default to the Oxford Forestry Institute Library in collaboration with the Imperial (later the Commonwealth) Forestry Bureau, an extensive library of international forestry material is amassed there. Today the OFI library receives over 2000 current forestry serials of which ~1900 are donated. And this strength is due in part to its historical connection to early researchers via IUFRO. In 1949, the bibliographical committee is revived as a the Joint FAO/IUFRO Committee on Forest Bibliography and becomes IUFRO Section 01. Soon after, the Oxford System of Decimal Classification for Forestry is finalized. This extensive revision of the Flury system is published by CAB in 1953 and is adopted by both IUFRO and the FAO. Later, the joint committee takes on the publication of a multilingual terminology which is completed in 1971 and published by the Society of American Foresters. [enter]
1972-2001 More work for Serial Librarians 1972 -- “Joint Committee” becomes S6.03 = Information systems and terminology 1981 -- Oxford Decimal Classification for Forestry is revised and updated 1990 -- Forest Decimal Classification published 1995 -- Section 6.03 renames self and adds subgroups 06.03.00: Information services and knowledge organization 01: Libraries and Information Services 02: Trends in forest terminology 03: Forest Decimal Classification 04: Latin American systems network 2001 -- Two more name changes 6.03.01 Bibliographic information and library networks 6.03.04 Latin American and Caribbean information systems network Bonnie: By 1972, IUFRO is again restructuring, an activity that has made it a nemesis of serial librarians. The joint committee, IUFRO Section 01, becomes Section 6.03 covering Information systems and terminology. A much needed revision of the Oxford Decimal Classification for Forestry is undertaken in 1981 by S6.03. It is published in 1990 and the word “oxford” is dropped from its title. Since then, the primary changes within Section 06.03 have been the addition of four sub-divisions in 1995 and, an effort to have the division names more accurately reflect current needs. So you see words like networks, services, and knowledge organization added to those of longtime “products” like terminology and classification. [enter]
2002-date New goals and recent accomplishments to create networks among information professionals to coordinate efforts in the field of information services to contribute to the organization of knowledge through terminology, classification and indexing to evaluate and introduce latest technologies in communication and information services to strengthen the geographical diversity of information exchange, partly through partnerships Recent accomplishments… Bonnie: The current goals of 06.03 are listed here. I’ve underlined some concepts and hope you will see some of these represented as I outline the sections’ more recent accomplishments. [enter]
Accomplishment: Networks/Geographic Diversity: International Directory of Forest Information Services Bonnie: In 2002, Division 06.03.01, led by Carol Green, initiated the formation of an online international directory of forest information services shown here. The only other international directory of forestry libraries we were aware of at the time was compiled by Peter Evans and published by the US Forest Service in 1982 with revisions in 1987 and 1991. It seemed to us that creating an online directory would be a better path to follow. [enter]
International Directory of Forest Information Services An effort to update International directory of forestry & forest products libraries Initiated in 2002 by Carol Green (U. Washington) as Coordinator of 06.03.01 with assistance and Forintek library staff. Hosted by ANDORNOT.COM (Canada) Uses regional coordinators to solicit additions and ideally to remind contributors to refresh content. Located on web at: Bonnie: The online directory is hosted for us at not cost by ANDORNOT Inc, a Canadian company. Carol solicited five volunteers to serve as regional coordinators. They helped encourage people to add information about themselves and their collections to the directory. As of 2004, there were 130 collections registered, including several IAMSLIC members. In the future, these regional coordinators could also be focal in keeping the entries updated. [enter]
Accomplishment: Terminology Directory of Experts Includes 240 experts in 395 forest-related fields and representing 42 languages; Who will answer questions directly via e-mail, phone or fax Organized by 06.03.02 Bonnie: Issues of terminology have been a concern of IUFRO since the late 60s. More recently, Section 06.03.02 has promoted what it calls “terminological awareness” by maintaining a directory of experts who will answer questions related to terminology by email, phone or fax. [enter] And by,
Increase “terminological awareness” E-conferences to inventory terminological divergences for selected concepts: Old growth forests, primary forests, virgin forests Reforestation, afforestation, deforestation Low forest cover Forest health Consensus opinion from discussions are included in the SilvaTerm Database (an initiative within SilvaVoc) Bonnie: Holding electronic conferences to inventory the extent of divergence for selected concepts such as old-growth, reforestation, and forest health. This section also contributes terminology to the SilvaTerm Database one of the SilvaVoc initiatives mentioned by Bart earlier. [enter]
Accomplishment: Classification and Indexing: Global Forest Decimal Classification Updating of the Forest Decimal Classification Published in 2006 = No. 19 IUFRO World Series Official UDC expansion for forestry (630) Collaborative process with online development toolkit suggesting new concepts hosted at: German and English with French and Spanish translations in process 06.03.03 coordinates this effort. Bonnie: Division 06.03.03, led by Barbara Holder, has the most long-lived effort -- the maintenance of the classification schema for forestry now called the Global Forest Decimal classification (GFDC). The most recent update of this schema was completed in late 2005, and published this Spring as part of IUFRO’s World [publication] Series. The GFDC serves as the official Universal Decimal Classification expansion for 630, or forestry. Published first in English and German, French and Spanish translations are in process. [enter]
Global Forest Decimal Classification (GFDC) Bonnie: Updating the GFDC was a collaborative process. Barbara established an online toolkit for suggesting new concepts and sharing editing suggestions. The toolkit is still available and is hosted at no cost by Andornot Inc. on behalf of IUFRO. [enter]
Accomplishment: Geographic Diversity Latin American and Caribbean information systems network Bonnie: Last but not least are the activities of 06.03.04 which defines itself regionally to include Latin American and the Caribbean. I apologize for not being more well versed on this division’s activities. From what I can tell this group maintains a fairly active network of contacts via regional meetings. Perhaps more to the point, I think the existence of a regionally focused subdivision speaks to a need and perhaps a solution for other librarians in IUFRO. [enter]
Accomplishment: Networking & Coordination Meetings and communication Formal: September 2003 (Quebec City): Joint Conference with 04.03.03 (Information Management and Information Technologies): “INFORMATION INTEROPERABILITY AND ORGANIZATION FOR NATIONAL AND GLOBAL FOREST INFORMATION SYSTEMS” December 2005 (Oxford): Centennial Celebration of Oxford Forestry Institute: “FRONTIERS IN FOREST INFORMATION” Informal: Division Coordinators where possible at IUFRO and/or Forestry meetings PNW Forestry Librarians Annual Meeting (loosely affiliated with IUFRO) Webconferencing and email Bonnie: To end this overview I want to note that coordinators of 06.03 have planned two international conferences during the past 4 years – both joint efforts: The first, centered on issues of Interoperability and was planned with the computer and data keeping arm of IUFRO, Division 04.03.03 The second was the centennial celebration for the Oxford Forestry Institute. E-mail and web-conferencing served as the primary means for organizing these meetings. But coordinators of the division its sub-divisions also try to meet in person annually in conjunction with some conference of mutual interest. For me, In this region, the “Pacific Northwest Forestry Librarians Annual meeting” has served as a convenient venue to keep up with IUFRO 06.03 division activities. [enter]
Issues facing forestry librarians Lost expertise and institutional memory Decline in the number of specialized forestry collections due to funding constraints and lack of space. Decline in number of “forestry” librarians due to a need to serve interdisciplinary institutional goals. Perceived relevance of sustaining libraries as an information resource more is available electronically and high value placed on electronic access to information Decline in the visibility of historical materials as current collections are used electronically Challenge of locating, archiving and providing a permanent home for research findings that are borne digital Bonnie: So what are some of the issues facing Forestry Librarians? --First, there is the lost of expertise and institutional memory as specialized forestry collections decline in number or are subsumed within larger collections due to funding constraints and lack of space. Though it has a semi-autonomous web presence as the Oxford Forestry Information Service, even the Oxford Forestry Institute Library no longer stands alone but is part of the Oxford Biological Sciences Library; --likewise there is a decline in the number of “forestry librarians” (at least at academic institutions) as the need to serve interdisciplinary goals causes us to broaden our focus and our titles and become, for example in my case, the “natural resources librarian;” --As more is available electronically the day-to-day visibility of historical collections declines. Even as reference to discrete items within these collections may increase with online access to bibliographies, interest in the tree [as it were] can serve to hide the forest that surrounds it. And, so, the perceived relevance of sustaining the “library” as an information resource is in question. --Finally there is the bourgeoning issue facing many librarians of locating, archiving, and providing a permanent home for research findings that are borne digital but housed very locally. [enter]
Positioning IUFRO 06.03 to address issues IUFRO has provided a solid history of concern for organizing global forestry information; Oxford Forestry Institute and CABI have provided continuity in the past and will likely be critical partners in the future; New Model may be needed to foster: forestry librarianship to replace lost expertise access to distributed resources collaboration with other organizations Bonnie: Does IUFRO 06.03 have a role to play in addressing these issues? Honestly, I am not sure. What I do see is that it provides us a solid history of concern for the organization of forestry information globally. It is also clear that the Oxford Forestry Institute Library and the Commonwealth Forestry Bureau had unique and critical roles to play in the past. These roles fit well with their institutional mission at that time. And certainly their roles served IUFRO researchers. In the future, we may have to create a different model, One that builds on past accomplishments but also fosters librarianship and, better sharing of distributed resources. To do this, will likely require collaboration with other organizations. Bonnie/Transition to Bart: And so to end our presentation, Bart has taken on the challenge of addressing the question of how IUFRO 06.03 might proceed in order to better serve the current and future needs of forestry librarians and their clientele.
Perspectives and Discussion Effective networking (contacting IUFRO libraries) Via international directory of forest information services Latin American and Caribbean information systems network Effective resource sharing Setting up a listserver Z39.50 Distributed Library Regular meetings Collaboration with other Library Organizations Iamslic Special Library Association (SLA) – Environment & Resource Management Division (Forestry Section) CBHL, EBHL IAALD, … Bart: Well, there are a lot of services that IUFRO 06.03 doesn’t offer and we would like to share some ideas with you all. The most important step we have to take is to create a global forestry libraries network. To do this, we must try to contact as many forestry librarians as possible. We could use the international directory of forest information services and the Latin American and Caribbean information systems network which Bonnie mentioned earlier. With the contact information we could set up a listserver and ask the forestry librarians personally to subscribe to it. Once the listserver was in place we would need to start thinking about activities such as organizing regular meetings for these forestry libraries and/or establishing a ‘Z39.50 Distributed Library’. Recently we have been wondering how one might effectively collaborate with other library organizations like Iamslic, SLA, The Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries, or The European Botanical Horticultural Libraries GroupL, etc.?
Perspectives and Discussion Financial possibilities Funding from IUFRO? No funds at all for groups IUFRO tradition revolves around meetings being hosted and paid for voluntarily by the institution organizing the meeting IUFRO Yearly Membership fee: covers the cost of running the Secretariat in Vienna (organises the quinquennial Congress ) As a IUFRO group we can't charge a subscription and keep our own bank account, and we don't have 'members' as such since all staff of any institution which is a member of IUFRO can attend any IUFRO group events. Barrier for initiatives Bart: Setting up services costs money, and not surprisingly, lack of funds is an obviouse barrier. But the structure of IUFRO offers some very specific hurdles related to funding Division 06.03 activities: IUFRO has no funds at all for groups. IUFRO tradition revolves around meetings being hosted and paid for voluntarily by the institution organizing the meeting. While the Oxford Forestry Institute and CAB International have provided such an institutional affiliation in the past and are important collaborators, we don’t see this being sufficient to address global needs in the future. IUFRO Yearly Membership fee: covers the cost of running the Secretariat in Vienna (which among other things organises the World Forestry Congress on a five year cycle) Furthernore, as a IUFRO Division we even can't charge a subscription nor keep our own bank account. We don't have 'members' as such since all staff of any institutional member of IUFRO can attend any IUFRO group events. So finding a vehicle for even minimal funding is a challenge.
Perspectives and Discussion Establish a new forestry librarians organization? Find or establish a 'parallel' librarians organization to which 6.03 could affiliate? Establish a group within an existing library organization? Take the lead from 06.03.04 and add more regional divisions. Bart: Are there other solutions? In preparing for this presentation, we have thought of four possibilities: We attempt to establish a *new* international forestry library organization? We could find or establish a 'parallel' librarians group to which 6.03 could affiliate? (most participants in IUFRO 06.03 also participate in other professional library organizations, though not the same groups). A variation of this would be for us to establish a group within an existing library organization? Finally, IUFRO 06.03 could reorganize to include more regional divisions and push the affiliation “problem” down to a more local level. IUFRO provides a rich history of collaboration among forest researchers and we are reluctant to think librarians can’t find a means of making it work for their contributions to forestry as well. A month ago we were not even fully aware of the problems confronting us and we do not have a solution at this time. But we welcome your thoughts and invite your comments at this time (or in the future).
Thank you! Bart: