The Homefront
Economic Resources Total war- all citizens are committed and wanted to support the war effort The Government and industry forged a close working relationship to allocate resources effectively Business retooled from peacetime to wartime production Ex. Cars manufacturing to tank manufacturing
Economic Resources Rationing was used to maintaining supply of essential products to the war effort (food, gas, tires, clothes) War bonds and income tax were used for financing the war
Human Resources More women and minorities entered the labor force Citizens volunteered in support of the war effort The draft (selective service) was used to provide personnel for the military
Women Participated in the workforce to replace men serving in the military Rosie the Riveter Typically participated in noncombat military roles
Minorities African Americans migrated to cities in search of jobs in war plants Campaigned for victory in war and equality at home
Minorities in the Military Segregated and discriminated against, non-combat roles (cook, clean, build); demanded the right to serve in combat rather than support roles Tuskegee Airmen: African-American regiment served in Europe with distinction Nisei Regiments: Asian-American regiment with high decorations Navajo Native Americans: used language to communicate because Japanese couldn’t break the code Mexican-Americans fought in non-segregated units
Media The US government maintained strict censorship of reporting of the war Public morale and ad campaigns kept Americans focused on the war effort The entertainment industry produced movies, plays, and shows that boosted morale and patriotic support for the war effort as well as portrayed the enemy in stereotypical ways