The Opposing Sides American Civil War
I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than a dissolution of the Union. It would be an accumulation of all the evils we complain of, & I am willing to sacrifice every thing but honour for its preservation… He viewed his service to the South not as a fight against the Union, but as a defense of Virginia. Robert E. Lee
2) In the South Military Colleges South (88%)North (13%) The South had seven of the eight Military colleges located in the United States. Although the North outweighed the South in population, they had an advantage because they had more complex war strategics.
3) The North (Most of the warships and all but one shipyard remained under Union control.)
5) Summer of 1862 Tredegar Iron Works Confederacy’s Ordinance Bureau- set up armories and foundries in several Southern states It created a huge gunpowder mill in Augusta, Georgia
6) Legal Tender Act National Currency established which allowed the government to issue paper money called greenbacks
8) War Democrats Andrew Johnson Strongly supported the war and hoped to restore the Union to the way it was before the war Opposed ending slavery
9) Peace Democrats Opposed the war Called for reuniting the states through negotiation rather than force
10) Copperheads Republicans saw any opposition to the war as treason and referred to Peace Democrats as “Copperheads,” after the venomous snake
11) Militia Law- Summer of 1862
12) Lincoln suspends Writs of Habeas Corpus To indefinitely imprison anyone who openly supported the rebels or encouraged others to resist the militia draft Discourage dissenters/Make more men available for the draft
13) British- Choosing Sides British leaders did not want to risk war with the United States unless absolutely necessary. They also were not willing to recognize the Confederacy until decisive victories on the battlefield proved the South could survive. The French promised to recognize the Confederacy if the British would do so as well.
14) Rifles and Trenches-Deadly situation- The attacking force often suffered very high casualties
15) Defensive War of Attrition Davis believed that picking their battles carefully, attacking and retreating when necessary, and avoiding large battles that might risk heavy losses would force the Union to spend its resources until it became tired of the war and agreed to negotiate.
16) Anaconda Plan 4:05