Classification – The Vertebrates Learning Outcomes: All students- Will be able to describe the characteristics of the animals in the vertebrate groups. Most Students- Will be able to use the characteristics of different animals to sort them into groups. Some Students - Will be able to explain why certain animals are in different vertebrate groups. Starter: List 5 animals and write a description for each one.
Activity 1 – Student Task! Group Definition Example Amphibians Most fly , have wings, feathers and beaks, eggs have hard shells. Warm blooded. Human and horse Birds Have scales, fins and breathe through gills. Cold blooded. Frog and newt Fish Have moist skin, breath through lungs, live on land and water . Cold blooded. Eagle and sparrow Mammals Have dry scaly skins and breathe through lungs. Cold blooded Shark and trout Reptiles Are covered in hair or fur, give birth to live young and feed them on milk. Warm blooded. Reptile and fish groups Vertebrates Animals with a backbone Snake and tortoise Student Task! Cut up your copy of the sheet and match the group, definition and example. Work with your partner and use page 160-161 to help you match the group, definition and example.
Amphibians Birds Mammals Fish Reptiles Vertebrates Group Definition Example Amphibians Have moist skin, breath through lungs and need water to breed Frog and newt Birds Most fly , have wings, feathers and beaks, eggs have hard shells. Warm blooded. Eagle and sparrow Mammals Are covered in hair or fur, give birth to live young and feed them on milk. Warm blooded Human and horse Fish Have scales, fins and breathe through gills. Cold blooded. Shark and trout Reptiles Have dry scaly skins and breathe through lungs. Cold blooded. Snake and tortoise Vertebrates Animals with a backbone Reptile and fish groups
What group do i belong to? 1 Duck –Billed Platypus I am an animal that lays soft shelled eggs. I live mainly in water. I feed my young on milk. I am covered in brown fur. My body temperature is around 30oC. I have a beak that I search for food with on the river bottom. The males of my species have a venomous spike on their hind legs. Student Task! Write down the features in the passage that make the Duck-Billed platypus a mammal. STOP I am a Mammal!
What group do i belong to? 2 Basilisk Lizard I have green and brown moist skin. I can run on water. I lay about 20 jelly covered eggs at a time in water. I am cold blooded. I feed on both flowers and small animals. I live in trees and on river banks. Student Task! STOP Write down the features in the passage that make the Basilisk lizard a reptile. I am a reptile!
What group do i belong to? 3 Loggerhead Turtle I live in water and breathe through lungs. My skin is covered in pale brown dry scales. I lay tough leathery eggs on land. I am cold blooded. I feed on invertebrates like crabs and clams. I can live for over 39 years. Student Task! Write down the features in the passage that make the Loggerhead Turtle a reptile. STOP I am a reptile!
What group do i belong to? 4 Vampire Bat I live in caves and dark places. I have a wing span of 18cm and I can fly. I give birth to live young and feed them on milk. I weigh 57 grams and my body is covered in brown fur. As an adult I only feed on blood. I live up to 9 years. Student Task! STOP Write down the features in the passage that make the Vampire bat a mammal. I am a Mammal!
What group do i belong to? 5 Emu I am covered in brown feathers. I can run at around 50 Km/hr. I lay eggs with hard shells. I eat stones that help me to digest my food. I eat plants and small insects. I live up to 30years. Student Task! Write down the features in the passage that make the Emu a bird. STOP I am a Bird!