Nursing School Tips for success By: Courtney Miller and Kelli Garcia Vasquez Alpha Delta NU Honors Society Gamma alpha Chapter
Clinical Success Confidence Advocacy Time Management Concept Maps Pharmacology Building confidence in yourself in the clinical setting Normal to be nervous, but as time goes on you become more comfortable and learn where your strengths and weaknesses are. Confidence with your patients Not only do you have to advocate for your patients, you also need to advocate for yourself Speak up if you don’t understand something or have questions about a policy or procedure Once you get your assignment, assess your patients and start thinking about what needs to be done and when it needs to be done Is your patient going home? Is your patient having a test? What time are their meds? (Each one of us will explain what works for us in clinical) As semesters continues the ideas of concepts and critical thinking becomes a must. As you start your concept maps now, you will continue to build on them and learn more and more concepts and how they work together Keep up with your drug sheets! Look up the most important facts- what do I need to know as a nurse? SAFETY- 5 rights of medication
Classroom success STUDY!- What works for you? Resources (ATI, PrepU, Text Books, Articles, etc.) Hard Work/Motivation Accountability Does studying in a group work for you? Do you study better alone? Just because they are your friends, doesn’t mean they should be your study partner ATI, PrepU, Text Books, Articles Each instructor has their own style of teaching and pulls from different resources. Be flexible with learning styles and different resources TEACHERS- they are a resource for you. If you don’t understand something go and talk with them Nursing school is LOTS of HARD WORK! Each one of us talk about some of the hard ships that we have had throughout our journeys You must be able to hold YOURSELF accountable for your actions Did you struggle because you didn’t understand or because you didn’t put forth the effort? When you are struggling are you using all your resources?
Patient Populations Vulnerable populations “Typical” / “Atypical” Patients Personal Beliefs Homeless, Addicts, Children, Elderly, Minorities, Mental Health, Special Needs Children/Adults Not all patients are “sick” Therapeutic Communication You have to set aside your own feelings You must evaluate and be able to deal with how you truly feel as a nurse and what your stance on situations are EMTALA- requires hospitals to provide and examination and needed stabilizing treatment without consideration of insurance coverage or ability to pay when a patient presents to your facility
Safety Top Priority in Nursing Safety for yourself and your patients PPE National Patient Safety Goals It is our job to keep our patients safe, ourselves safe, and anyone else in contact with the patient safe Treat every patient as though they have any type of disease PROTECT YOURSELF Go online and look these patient safety goals up as these will come up from here on out while you are in nursing school
Health, Wellness, Illness Education Wellness Alternative Therapies As a nurse we have to educate our patients and their families- so we must educate ourselves first and foremost Preventative measures It is important to keep yourself healthy in nursing school so that you are able to treat your patients Sleep, vitamins, and time management Keep in mind that alternative therapies are becoming more and more popular and should be looked into when pharm measures aren’t working Essential oils, massage, music therapy, etc
Alpha Delta Nu What is it? How do I become a member? Why does it matter?