Introduction Comprehensive Review
Quality improvement Reports Resources Delegation Roles of nurses Nursing process Quality improvement Reports Resources Delegation Roles of nurses
Quality Process Continuity of Care Focus on the experience of the client . Does the care of the patient flow from care giver to care giver A philosophy that doing the right thing, the right way, the first time with problem solving that leads to quality outcome Performance improvement groups are formed to improve standards of care for hospitals Facilitate the care provided Act as the liaison and advocate Initiate revise and evaluate Report status of the patient from one nurse to the other Coordinate the care of the patient
What if ………… Variance What is an incident? Variance or incident –an event that occurs outside of the usual expected normal events. Not intended to point blame just document facts. It confidential and should not be documented in the medical record. Client injury\ Malfunctioning equipment Unanticipated adverse reaction Unethical illegal or incompetent practice Toxic spills, fire Violent behavior Loss or property
Resources and consultation.. Case Mangement Consultation/Referral Is a collaborative process of assessment and planning Advocacy for services for the client Nursing role is to identify when case management would be helpful Provides expert advice or a formal request for a special service by another caregiver Nursing role scheduling; calling and giving report
Delegation and Prioritization Delegation –transferring the authority to perform a selected task while maintain the responsibility-CAN Assigning – transferring the authority and accountability and responsibility to another member RN-assigning med pass to LPN Supervising monitoring the progress toward completion of delegated task – ultimate responsibility for the outcomes
Continued……………. Rights of delegation Delegate or NOT Right person Right task Right circumstances Right direction and communication Right supervision and elevaluaiton Process- Education Task Think TEA Activity time ……………..
Which of the following can be delegated? Shave a client Transfer a client from the bed to the chair Perform tracheostomy care Perform oral suctioning Assist a client who has visual impairment with meals Reposition a client Insert an indwelling cath Feed a client via NG tube Monitor IV Collect a clean-catch urine Record input and output Monitor response to medication Remove antiemboism stockings
Which of the following can be delegated? Shave a client- AP Transfer a client from the bed to the chair-ap Perform tracheostomy care-lpn Perform oral suctioning-lpn Assist a client who has visual impairment with meals-ap Reposition a client-ap Insert an indwelling cath-lpn Feed a client via NG tube=lpn Monitor IV-lpn Collect a clean-catch urine-lpn Record input and output-ap Monitor response to medication-lpn Remove antiemboism stockings –ap Obtain vital signs during a transfusion?
Prioritization life before limb Acute before chronic Actual problems before a potential problem Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs PHYSI before PySCh Trends before transient Emergencies vs complications What procedure should come first –pain med before scheduled med; cath urine before bath
Activity Time Group A 1234 Group B Group C
Terms Autonomy Beneficence Confidentiality Fidelity Justice Nonmaleficence Paternalism veracity
Advance directive Living will- specific plan the client has made Durable power of attorney –legal document that designates another person to make health care decisions DNR- ? What does it include or exclude ?
Legal matters Felony Misdemeanor Tort Good Samaritan Law Impaired co-worker Malpractice Negligence
Role of the Nurse in an emergency disaster Emergent or class I red tag- no delay in care Urgent or Class II yellow tag1-2 hour Nonurgent or Class III Green- 2-4 Expectant or class IV black- expected to die Activity time …………..
Which triage level would you give? Number your board 1-12
FALLS Older Impaired mobility Cognitive or sensory impaired Bowel bladder dysfunction Side effects of medication History of falls Yellow arm band; mats non skid socks and leaf on the door? Say what Review nursing interventions…
Restraints Include human, mechanical, chemical or physical devices that restrict freedom of movement or diminishes access to parts of the body. Nursing Interventions include>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
13 steps to seizure care included………….
Seizure care
Fire Safety
Positioning a patient Semi-fowlers- Trendelenburg Fowlers Modified Trendelenburg High fowlers Reverse Trendelenburg Supine Prone elevation of limb Lateral Dorsal recumbent Sims Semi-prone lithotomy
Crutch walking and other ambulation devices Basics: fit =2-3 finger widths between axilla and top of the crutches Weight bearing is on the palms not the axilla place crutch tip six inches from feet
Continued ……………. Non-weight bearing Begin in tripod position, maintain weight on the unaffected side Advance both crutches and the affected side Move the unaffected weight- bearing foot forward beyond crutches Continue sequence Weight bearing Move crutches forward about one step Move affected leg forward level with crutch tip Move the unaffected leg forward Continue
Walking up stairs 1. hold onto rail with one hand and crutches with the other hand 2. Push down on the stair rail and the crutches and step up with the unaffected leg 3. If not allowed to place weight on the affected leg hop up with the unaffected leg 4. bring the affected leg and the crutches up bedside the unaffected leg 5. Remember the unaffected leg goes up first that eh crutches move with the affected leg
Walking Down stairs 2 BRING the unaffected leg down 1. place the affected leg and the crutches down on the step below; Support with by leaning on the crutches and the stair rail 2 BRING the unaffected leg down 3 Remember the affected leg goes down first that and the crutches move with the affected leg
Cane 1 2 3 4 5
Walker 1 2 3 4 5