iVotronic Precinct Worker Training Presentation Created by the North Carolina State Board of Elections District Election Technicians August 2006
Project Guidelines To be a guide for County Boards of Elections to use when training their precinct officials. This presentation is for Precinct Officials who usually work on Election Day a few times a year. The purpose of this presentation is to supplement existing county training with the iVotronic equipment. It may also be used as a tool to place on websites or given to precinct officials to review at home.
Objectives Following this presentation, the viewer will feel confident to conduct an election using the iVotronic voting equipment.
Outline/Table of Contents Introduction to the equipment: Slide 5 Prior to opening the polls: Slide 7 Opening the polls: Slide 14 Printing the zero tape: Slide 19 Verifying the Public Count : Slide 23 Voting procedures: Slide 25 Cast or cancel a ballot: Slide 32 Using the ADA function: Slide 33 Closing the polls: Slide 36 Printing the results tape: Slide 39 Loading the RTAL paper: Slide 46 Troubleshooting: Slide 53 For more information: Slide 61
Introduction The iVotronic is a touch screen, voter-verifible DRE (direct recording electronic) voting machine, which is certified for use in North Carolina. In this presentation, you will learn the procedures for setting up, opening & closing, and voting with the iVotronic.
Setting Up the iVotronic
Prior to Opening the Polls First, roll the iVotronic unit to the desired location in your polling place. Lay the unit flat on the floor with the legs on top/wheels on bottom. Unlock the legs from the middle lock and spread them open to become a stand. Push up on each leg to lock them into place. Do not force the legs or pull them farther than they need to go. They may break off. To bring the terminal to a standing position you will pick up the corners of the unit using the side handles on the top beside the wheels. Never grab the middle bar.
Prior to Opening the Polls Once the unit is standing on the legs securely, lift the box portion of the unit up to an upright and locked position. When correctly positioned, the box snaps in place and is at a 45-degree angle. (NOTE: Verify that the release catch is properly engaged.)
Prior to Opening the Polls Open the privacy terminal screen doors outward from the center. You may need to cut a security seal before doing this step. The doors resist further opening when they are fully extended. NOTE: If the security seal is broken when you arrive, contact your county board of elections immediately. Make certain to record and store the security seal as instructed by your county office. Now that you have opened the booth doors, the terminal serial number is visible in the lower right hand corner. Record the serial number of each terminal as instructed by your county office.
Prior to Opening the Polls Next unwrap the electrical cord from the back of the terminal. Plug the first terminal into a wall outlet or drop cord, depending on the distance. The remaining terminals may be “daisy-chained” by plugging one into the power strip on the back of the next terminal. (See yellow arrow in slide photo.) Up to ten terminals may be “daisy-chained” together in a row. Additionally, you may want to face the voting terminal screens toward a wall to provide added privacy for voters. Your iVotronic booths are now fully assembled.
Terminal and Terminal Screen Key Components RTAL printer Terminal and Terminal Screen The key components of the iVotronic machine are: The terminal screen. The terminal is connected to a RTAL (real time audit log) printer that produces a paper trail of all votes cast on this terminal. The terminal will not operate without being properly connected to the RTAL printer.
Key Components The gray cable at the top of the terminal is the RTAL printer cord which connects the two devices. The black cord beside the RTAL cable connection is the power cord and should remain plugged in at all times so as to not drain the internal battery.
Key Components A Master PEB, used only to open and close the polls. Oval Vote Button Flash Card Compartment (Sealed) A Master PEB, used only to open and close the polls. A Supervisor PEB to activate each ballot that will be voted on the terminals. An oval VOTE button at the top of the terminal. ADA compliant audio ballot control buttons and head phones. A top slide door with a flash card inside. A communication or printer pack used to print the zero and results tapes (Not Pictured). ADA Controls Headphones Jack
Opening the Polls We are now ready to activate the terminals and open the polls. To begin, locate the Master PEB in your supplies. It should be marked as such. Insert the Master PEB into the first voting terminal. The following terminal screen will appear, “Do not remove PEB, please wait, this process may take a few minutes.” You will see this message several times during the opening process. You MUST wait for the terminal to completely read PEB. Notice the progress bar in the right hand corner of the terminal screen. Be patient – the terminal screen will tell you when to take out the PEB.
Opening the Polls Once the Master PEB is completely read, the terminal will then display a polling location verification terminal screen. If the polling location is correct, press continue. If not, press no, remove the PEB, and contact your county elections office immediately.
Opening the Polls After you press “Yes” to verify the polling location, the terminal will now display the following message: “Terminal is being opened for voting”. Again, DO NOT remove the PEB. The next screen will be the following instructions: “You must remove the PEB now to continue opening the terminal”. You may now remove the PEB.
Opening the Polls The terminal will continue opening. Once complete, the message “Terminal opening successful” will appear and instructions to “Insert PEB to print zero tape or press VOTE button to exit” will be displayed. If there is only one terminal in your polling location, insert the Master PEB and begin the process for printing a zero tape. However, most polling locations will have multiple iVotronics. In this scenario, press the oval VOTE button after opening the terminals on all but the last terminal.
Opening the Polls Continue opening all terminals in your polling location. Remember to press the VOTE button for the final step at each terminal. The data for these terminals is being collected onto the Master PEB in order to create one zero tape for the entire polling location. Once you have reached the last terminal, DO NOT press the VOTE button; instead, insert the Master PEB and begin following the instructions for printing a zero tape.
Printing the Zero Tape Press the selection box next to “Print polling location zero tape now?” The terminal will now collect the data from the PEB. While this process takes place, follow the instructions on the screen, and DO NOT remove the PEB. The following report choices are available: Print polling location zero tape now? DONE
Printing The Zero Tape Once the terminal has finished reading the PEB, the printing instructions screen will appear. DO NOT press the Print button, until you have completed the following steps (which are also provided on the terminal screen.) First, only unplug the RTAL printer (gray cord) from the top of the terminal. Next, depending on your county, you will either attach the black coiled cord from the external communication pack or printer pack to the top of the terminal into the same port/location where the gray RTAL cord had been attached. A printer pack is a compact printer and requires you to only press the small power button for operation. A communication pack is a compact printer/modem combo and features a selector switch and power switch to operate as a printer. To print the report, do the following steps: Disconnect the RTAL printer connection Make sure the communication pack is connected to the top of the voting terminal Turn the selector switch to “PRINTER” Press and hold the small black button on the printer until its green light turns on Press the green button labeled “PRINT” to start printing the report To EXIT printing, press the “CANCEL” button. PRINT CANCEL