Dr. David “Fuzzy” Wells U.S. Pacific Command's Cyber War Innovation Center Introducing the Cyber War Innovation Center (CWIC) ** GE-104, 15:00 – 16:00, 04 April 2018 ** Abstract: U.S. Pacific Command's Cyber War Innovation Center (CWIC) is the Pacific theater's premier laboratory for conducting cyber testing, training and experimentation. This talk will introduce the CWIC and its role in improving theater cyber operations and provide a deep-dive into one of those efforts. SHORTSTOP is an Emerging Capability Technology Demonstration focused on the application of an NSA-developed, open-source automation framework to cyber defense tasks. The automation framework will be applied to routine tasks, including data collection, analysis, presentation of data, execution of mitigating actions, and information sharing. The project will assess the performance of tactical cyber defenders conducting operations in accordance with defined tactics, techniques, and procedures with and without the benefit of automation. The test environment and cyber defense systems will be further evaluated through modeling and simulation. Biography: Dr. David "Fuzzy" Wells is the creator of USPACOM's CWIC and the Cyber Operational Architecture Training System (COATS), a cyber range-simulation-ops integration architecture for linking cyber range events with battle staff training exercises. He earned the third Ph.D. in Modeling, Virtual Environments and Simulation from NPS, obtained the first Master's degree to specialize in Modeling & Simulation from AFIT, and was designated a Certified Modeling & Simulation Professional Charter Member.