Fibre Fibre Protein Protein Fat Fat Vitamins Vitamins Minerals Carbohydrate Carbohydrate Vitamins Vitamins Minerals Minerals Water Water
HEALTHY DIET Pre-starter: Write down the title across one whole page of your book and around this title write any words or sentences that you associate with this title
Why do our diets differ? I can define metabolic rate (D) TASK: Pathway to success: I can define metabolic rate (D) I can describe the relationship between food intake, exercise and fitness (C) I can explain all interactions that affect body mass (A-B) Key words: metabolic rate, inherited, malnourished TASK: Place your food examples on the correct food nutrient they MAINLY contain Place the nutrients in order of how much the following people would need in their diet: An athlete A pregnant woman A teenage boy A teenage girl
Check point: Which nutrient? Which 3 nutrients provide the body with energy? Of these 3 which one also is used for growth and repair of muscle tissue? Of these 3 which one is our main source of energy? Look at the table below and answer the following questions Per gram which nutrient provides us with the most energy? Would you gain more weight eating more protein or more fat? Explain why. If you wanted to lose weight which nutrient should you reduce in your diet? Explain why. Nutrient Energy (calories) per gram Carbohydrate 4.2 Protein 4.1 Fat 9.0
Check point- Past paper questions B1.1 Diet and Exercise : Evaluating slimming claims BL1FP June 2012 One day a ten-year-old child ate a whole packet of the biscuits. The biscuits in the pack had a mass of 400 g. How many grams of carbohydrate did the child eat? The amount of carbohydrate you calculated in part 1 was more than the UK guideline daily amount for the child. How much more? 3. Give two possible health effects on the child of eating so many biscuits every day.
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This is due to your METABOLIC RATE! Why do our diets differ? Discuss with your partner the reasons why some people can eat whatever they want and not seem to gain a pound while others gain weight really easily. This is due to your METABOLIC RATE!
Q- Can you change/ control your metabolic rate? This is the rate of chemical reactions in your cells It is determined by: Gender: Males higher than females Proportion of muscle to fat in your body Amount of exercise you do (more= higher metabolic rate) Inherited from your parents Q- Can you change/ control your metabolic rate?
Why do our diets differ? In addition t metabolic rate people need different amounts of energy and proportions of nutrients in their diet depending on: Age Amount of exercise If they are pregnant Gender Lifestyle/ activity levels Weight In pairs discuss how each of these factors effect your diet e.g. after puberty the older you are the less energy you need as you are no longer growing
Why do our diets differ? TASK: Look at the 3 case studies and answer the following questions. Describe who needs the most energy in their diet Explain why (relate this to metabolic rate, amount of exercise, gender etc…) What foods should they eat to ensure they get the right amount of energy for their lifestyle? (give food examples and the nutrients they contain) EXTEND: June wants to lose body mass but she is not sure how. Suggest some ways June could lose weight safely using her diet and activity levels only EXTEND: Dean has noticed he is losing weight and this is causing him to become tired more easily- what could he do to increase his body mass? June- 26 years old. Office worker. Drives to work. Walks to her mum’s twice a week. Brooklyn- 14 years old. Bikes 2 miles to school each day. Plays football 4x per week Dean- 42 years old. Labourer- works 12 hours per day on a building site.
Check point: Why do our diets differ? Use your graph handout to answer the following questions
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Version 2.0 Copyright © AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved. B1.1 Diet and exercise BL1FP-PostS-MS-Jun12 Version 2.0 Copyright © AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved.
Plenary- Who is malnourished?
Which nutrient(s)? Which nutrient is found in the foods below What is the role of this nutrient? Vitamins- Helps the immune system and concentration Water- Maintain normal cell function Beef
Not enough Vitamin C? Scurvy!
Growth and repair of muscle tissue Which nutrient(s)? Which nutrient is found in the foods below What is the role of this nutrient? Eggs Nuts Protein Growth and repair of muscle tissue Chicken Lentils/ pulses Beef Fish
Which type of people need a lot of protein in their diet? What are the probelms here??
Fats- Slow release of energy 25% of our diet should be fats. Which nutrient(s)? Which nutrient is found in the foods below What is the role of this nutrient? Fats- Slow release of energy 25% of our diet should be fats. They come in 2 forms saturated and unsaturated. However, too many saturated fats can lead to heart disease. Beef
Too much energy in your diet?
Fibre- wholemeal foods help normal digestion Which nutrient(s)? Carbohydrates- produce ‘quick’ energy. Can be in two forms complex carbohydrates and sugars Fibre- wholemeal foods help normal digestion Which nutrient is found in the foods below What is the role of this nutrient?
Not enough energy in your diet?