Ozone balloon sonde network WMO GLOBAL ATMOSPHERE WATCH (GAW) Partnerships in Global Monitoring CO2 network Greenhouse gases: (CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs) Aerosols: (optical, physical, chemical properties) Ultraviolet radiation: Ozone: (vertical profiles, total column, surface) Reactive gases: (CO, NOy,VOC, SO2) Precipitation chemistry Ozone balloon sonde network
WMO GLOBAL ATMOSPHERE WATCH (GAW) Supporting: GCOS, IGOS- IGCO GEOSS/GMES, Research Leading: Global Data Quality Objectives International Quality Assurance IGACO Implementation (other handout) GAW mandate Systematic monitoring of chemical composition globally (see reverse) Analysis and assessment supporting Ozone, Climate and LRTAP Conventions Development of a predictive modelling capability Aug 2005