BP5 – encryption - Fun gym Cambridge Nationals R001 Security and Encryption Pages 33 to 35
Encryption In this section you will understand what it is and why it is important. Why am I learning this? Scenario 1 says: At the end of every month Bridget sends each instructor an email with an attached encrypted file. The file contains details of how much they earn etc.
Encryption Here’s an example of how encryption works: Bridget sends an email message to each member of staff: She encrypts the message using a special key (code) It is then sent over the internet to the member of staff If hacker tries to steal the message they would just read gobbledygook At the other end the message is decrypted by the member of staff who has an identical key Bridget used. The email is now readable.
Encryption – TASK 1 Draw out this diagram\create it in Word or Powerpoint Explain how Bridget’s email is encrypted and decrypted.
Encryption In the last section we looked at how emails\messages can be sent securely over the internet. This section will look at how we can safely access personal information on websites (i.e. logging into your bank to look at your account). Why am I learning this? Scenario 1 ALSO says: that the website contains a ‘members only’ section – that is restricted.
Encryption If you are planning to buy something from amazon which will require you to type in sensitive information over the internet (like usernames & passwords and bank details) it is very important that you check whether the connection is secure (i.e. is the data being encrypted so no one can steal your personal data) How do you know if the website is encrypting your data to stop hackers accessing it??
Encryption How do you know if the website is encrypting your data to stop hackers accessing it?? ANSWER: Check the web address:
Encryption You know that the website is secure as it will have a padlock and it should now say HTTPS
Encryption HTTPS – stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure It is used to make sure all communications are secure over the internet – that data is being encrypted as it moves from your computer to amazon or HSBC and back again etc.
Encryption In your notes tell me: What does HTTPS stands for? Explain how it would work for people logging on to the members only section of the website.
Encryption – Wireless Encryption It is highly likely that Bridget connects to the internet from the computer in her office. She will connect to the internet pretty much like you do at home (i.e. your PC connects you your router wirelessly and then off to the internet).
Encryption – Wireless Encryption If you haven’t set up wireless encryption on your PC then someone (either next door neighbour or dodgy geezer sitting in his car outside your house) could use your internet connection for free or worse still hack into your computer and steal personal information. There are 2 main options for encrypting your wireless connection: WPA & WEP.
Encryption – Wireless Encryption In your books write up why it is important for Bridget to encrypt her wireless connection? (problems that could happen etc) And what are the 2 main types available?