Minnesota Catholic Conference CMA -- Duluth Minnesota Catholic Conference February 18, 2018
“A good Catholic meddles in politics, offering the best of himself, so that those who govern can govern. But what is the best that we can offer to those who govern? Prayer!” “Politics, according to the Social Doctrine of the Church, is one of the highest forms of charity, because it serves the common good.” —Pope Francis, Daily Homily of September 16, 2013 Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Should the Church meddle in politics? Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Goals of Politics Ensuring the Dignity of the Human Person Promoting the Common Good Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Politics requires the participation of citizens Pro-life rally Group of voters Mother and daughter praying at the Capitol Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Politics needs the Church “He taught by his life and his death that ‘man cannot be separated from God, nor politics from morality.” –Doctrinal Note on the Participation of Catholics in Political Life Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 2002 - St. Thomas More, Patron of Statesmen and Politicians Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
WE are called to Faithful Citizenship immigration labor and economy life and bio-ethics religious freedom health care education care for creation option for the poor and vulnerable Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
How do we bring our faith into the public arena? Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Form Your Conscience Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Laudato Si’ More than “the climate change encyclical” Integral Ecology Laudato Si’ More than “the climate change encyclical” Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
A challenge for everyone “A true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; it must integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.” – Laudato Si’, #49 “Since everything is interrelated, concern for the protection of nature is also incompatible with the justification of abortion.” – Laudato Si’, #120 Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Integral ecology and public policy Renewable Energy Standard Education Choice Surrogacy Physician-Assisted Suicide Felon Disenfranchisement Immigrant Driver’s License Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
2018 Surrogacy Abuse Prevention Act Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Introduction to Surrogacy Children are a gift and a blessing, not an entitlement or a right. Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Concerns about Surrogacy Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
The truth behind a predatory industry’s business model – baby selling Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Commodifying Children Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Exploiting Vulnerable Women “Surrogacy turns pregnancy into something that is separate from the woman, as if she was a bun and an oven.” —Kajsa Ekis Ekman Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Legal Status of Surrogacy Contracts Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Legislative History Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Advocates step up to defend vulnerable women and children in Minnesota Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Protecting our state’s most vulnerable women and children Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Other Important Issues Victims of Pornography Act Opposing Legalization of Assisted Suicide (ethicalcaremn.org) Water Access and Stewardship Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Seek one or many opportunities for lay involvement Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
MCC is here to help Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Your diocesan newspaper Faith in the Public Arena column Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Consider a Citizenship Hour Form conscience Study Catholic social teaching Learn who your candidates and officials are Inform yourself about a key issue Get the relevant facts and principles! Volunteer Write a letter to the editor Pray for elected officials Promote the Catholic Advocacy Network Talk to your family about politics Community board/council Community-based journalism Chronicling local issues, officials… Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE
Questions? Contact (651) 227-8777 Jason Adkins jadkins@mncc.org Shawn Peterson speterson@mncc.org Kathryn Mollen kmollen@mncc.org Website www.mncc.org Blogs http://lighthouse.mncc.org http://firstfreedom.mncc.org Catholic Advocacy Network A MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE INITIATIVE