Today FOCUS: How did Islam come to be? Pick up a text book turn to the Islam in the World Religions section of the book Complete notes on Islam 101 Handout Crash Course – Add to notes Additional Information Objective: Summarize the origins of Islam.
Today Discuss Yesterday’s Exit Ticket Identify and describe the major tenets of Islam, including the Five Pillars. Record Information on your Islam 101 Handout Key Idea Synthesis Assignment
Beliefs & Observances: Shahadah “Testimony of faith” proclaim their belief in one God and accept that God revealed his message to Muhammad (a prophet) Brief prayer, memorized during childhood, “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”
Beliefs & Observances: Salat prayer, five times a day, facing the hole city of Mecca (sunset, in the evening, at dawn, at noon, and in the afternoon) In Muslim countries the call to prayer is announced form a minaret atop a mosque; men and women pray separately, or behind the men. Each prayer involves different bowing positions or rakahs
Beliefs & Observances: Zakzt charity to the poor and the aged (almsgiving or welfare contribution) not regulated
Beliefs & Observances: SAWM Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan (9th month in the Muslim Calendar, when Gabriel spoke to Muhammad as well as the month of the hejira) Muslims do not eat or drink from dawn to sunset only light snacks are allowed after sunset; the fast represents a special time for purification and religious devotion, as well as time with family and the community. Alcohol and tobacco are prohibited the entire month. Elderly and children are exempt. When the month ends, the festival Eid-al-fitr is celebrated (10th day of the 10th month); it is a day of special prayers – and a three-day national holiday in Muslim countries. Throughout the celebration, presents are shared and families gather; food and money is shared with the less fortunate
Beliefs & Observances: Hajj a pilgrimage is a journey to a sacred place. It can be skipped if it involves great hardship. Worshippers must follow certain guidelines (men shave their heads and wear white, women must keep their heads covered) There are seven stages of the Hajj.
Now Read Origins of Islam: Abraham and the Ka’bah Complete the Key Ideas Synthesis Handout Pair Share Key Ideas > Discuss > Submit Objectives: Identify and describe the major tenets of Islam, including the Five Pillars.
Beliefs & Observances: Zakzt charity to the poor and the aged (almsgiving or welfare contribution) not regulated
Ramadan This year Ramadan began on Friday, May 26 and ended on Saturday, June 24. Ramadan 2018 in United States of America will begin in the evening of Tuesday, May 15 and ends in the evening of Thursday, June 14 Dates may vary. Muslim children are not required to fast for Ramadan until they reach the age of maturity (puberty). At that time they are responsible for their decisions and are considered adults in terms of meeting religious obligations. Schools and other programs that support children may find that some children choose to fast, while others do not. It is advised to follow the child's lead and not force an action one way or the other.
“The Secrets of The Koran” We will view the History Channel Presentation “The Secrets of the Koran” As you view, record responses to the questions on the handout Objective: Analyze characteristics of the Koran (Quran).
How did Islam create an Arab Society?
Arabia BEFORE Mohammad Arabia AFTER Mohammad Divisions within society - Economic differences and injustices (few very rich, the rest poor) - Home to nomads and warring tribes/clans - Polytheistic, pagan practices, worshipping different gods with various practices - Mecca was the social, economic, and religious center of Arabia - Lawless and violent (harsh life) No longer divided- Armies now united in their beliefs; taught those who died in the service of Islam would win a place in paradise, lure of riches, jihad Econ- with each newly won war and more people paying taxes the gap was not as wide as it once was; wealth from trade Tribes- now united as an Islamic people Polytheistic- worships only Allah; “people of the Book” did not have to convert but paid lower taxes if did, (nonbeliever tax) some sects did force conversion, tolerant Mecca- still center of Arabia Islamic sharia law now and people following the Koran
What happened to Islam and Arab Society after Mohammad’s death? The Masjid Nabawi in Medina (2nd holiest site in Islam) Serious dispute over who would be the caliph, or successor to the prophet splits Islam into 2 sects- Sunni and Shiite Caliphs were challenged and assassinated…leading followers of the 4th caliph, Ali Mohammad’s son-in-law and cousin, to break away and become known as shiite. They felt only descendents of Ali should be caliph What was the title for the new leader/successor to the prophet?