Technology Basic Mechanical Functions Work book and text book NEEDED Guiding Functions Linking Functions Work book and text book NEEDED
Pages Textbook: pp. 383 Workbook: pp. 207
Definitions p. 207
Components are… The parts or fluids that have a mechanical function
A basic mechanical function… Is the role played by a component or a group of components in the function or assembly of a technical object
Screw > bolt ?
Guiding… Is the basic mechanical function of any component that controls the motion of one or several moving parts
A guide is… A component that has the basic mechanical function of guiding
Axle ?
A link… Helps connect two or more parts of a technical object
Linking… Is the basic mechanical function provided by any component that links an object’s parts
A linking component… Is one that has the basic mechanical function of linking
Veneer + Glue = skate board
Main Types of Guides p. 207
Rotational guide This kind of guide only allows the rotational motion of moving parts
Bike Axle
Translational guide This kind of guide only allows the translational motion of moving parts
Bike suspension
Characteristics of links p. 208
1st Characteristic pair Direct Indirect
Direct A direct link exists when two parts can hold together without requiring a linking component
Cell Phone > Case
Indirect An indirect link exists when the parts require a linking component to hold them together
? Arm > Frame
2nd Characteristic pair Rigid Flexible
Rigid A rigid link exists when the surfaces of the linked parts or the linking component are rigid
Base > monitor
Flexible A flexible link exists when the surface of the linked parts or the linking component can be deformed
Pages > spine
3rd Characteristic pair Removable Non-removable
Removable A removable link exists when linked parts can be separated without damaging them
Laces > eyelets
Non-removable A non-removable link exists when separating the linked parts damages them or the linking component
? Sole > upper
Complete link There is a complete link when there is no movement between linked parts
Top > bottom
Partial There is a partial link when at least one part is capable of motion with respect to the other
Cap > pen
HOMEWORK pp. 207-214
Activity # 1 Table = group Number 1-8 on blank sheet of paper I.D. characteristics of links Write answers blank sheet of paper Winners = prize
Paper Punch Link # 1
The types of « Links » between Parts ? The “link” between the handle and the punch is: non-removable or removable, complete or partial, direct or indirect, rigid or flexible, .
Paper Punch Link # 2
The types of « Links » between Parts ? The “link” between the bottom handle and the top handle is: Non-removable or removable, Complete or partial, direct or indirect, rigid or flexible, .
Switch Answer Papers with Neighbour Table
The types of « Links » between Parts ? The “link” between the handle and the punch is: NON-REMOVABLE or removable, COMPLETE or partial, DIRECT or indirect, RIGID or flexible, .
The types of « Links » between Parts ? The “link” between the bottom handle and the top handle is: NON-REMOVABLE or removable, complete or PARTIAL, direct or INDIRECT, RIGID or flexible, .
Bonus Questions What is the name of a Technical Drawing that shows 3 views? What is this constraint? <--- ---> Why would you use colour in a Technical Diagram? Give one example of Modified Wood. What is the difference between Ferrous and non-Ferrous alloys?
1.) What is the name of a Technical Drawing that shows 3 views? Multiview/ Orthographic
2.) What is this constraint? <--- ---> Tension
3.) Why would you use colour in a Technical Diagram? Different Parts
4.) Give one example of Modified Wood. Plywood
5.) What is the difference between Ferrous and non-Ferrous alloys? Iron
Activity # 2 Linking in Technical Objects Get a partner Get a box for your table Complete all questions
Check List Links Lab Technical Diagram Homework pp. 191-194 / pp. 201-214 Super Clothes Peg