Making Adoption a Positive Option For Those Experiencing A Crisis Pregnancy
Adoption Facts Did You Know… 127,000 children are adopted annually 1 million couples would like to adopt
Adoption 101: A Birthparent’s Experience Crisis pregnancy counseling Explore options through counseling Parenting Adoption Abortion
Crisis pregnancy counseling includes: Parenting-connect to resources to help them be good parents Abortion-connect to further counseling services Adoption
Birthparent’s Adoption Experience Have client seriously evaluate all aspects of ability to parent If adoption is still their choice, an adoption plan is made Choose type of adoption (open, semi-open, closed) Choose a family, meet the family Develop a hospital plan. After baby is born, baby can go into cradle care if decision is wavering, or directly home with adoptive parent. In South Dakota, birthparents can go to court to voluntarily terminate parental rights as soon as 5 days after baby is born. Agency will prepare paperwork to file with the court and will attend court proceeding with birth parent. After termination proceedings, birth parent’s decision is final.
Adoption 101: Adoptive Family Experience Application and paperwork are completed Homestudy is done (social worker inspects home and evaluates couples’ ability to parent) Profile, letter to birthparent, picture book are completed Profile is shown to birthparents to be selected as adoptive parents Birthparent selects adoptive family
Adoption 101: Adoptive Family Experience Match meeting is held (open adoptions) Baby is born and goes to cradle care until termination of parental rights or home with adoptive family (adoptive family must assume risk that birthparent can change their mind until termination of parental rights) 6 months after baby is placed with adoptive family, family goes to court to finalize adoption, the agency will provide post placement supervision Birth certificate is issued with adoptive family name
Birthparents who make adoption plans for their children generally: Are more likely to finish school and obtain a higher level degree, therefore will advance further educationally Attain better employment and have higher income Have more financial stability and are less likely to receive social assistance Are less likely to repeat or abort another out-of-wedlock pregnancy Are more likely to marry in the future, and when they do, are more likely to delay marriage to an older age Report a high level of satisfaction with their decision for adoption
Birthparents Who Choose Adoption May feel they are not ready to parent May want to concentrate on educational or career goals May not have the financial resources to raise children May not want to financially burden their own parents Want more for their baby than they feel they can provide Want what is best for their baby
Consider… What do I want for myself? Can I handle child, job, school, social life? Am I ready to give up freedom? What would I give up? Can I afford a child? Do I want to raise a child where I am living now?
Consider… How would parenting a child change my educational plans? Am I willing to give AT LEAST 18 YEARS of my life to being a responsible parent? Do I like children? Do I want my child to be like me? Do I expect a child to make my life happy? Am I able to give the child the love he/she needs/deserves?
All About U Adoptions, inc will provide to those in crisis pregnancy… Connection to medical and social services Empowerment in the decision making process Counseling throughout pregnancy Assistance with unplanned pregnancy no matter what choice is made Help to identify support system Post-pregnancy counseling Phone cards for clients