Objections to God’s Existence September 18
Introduction Ps. 14:1 Ps. 53:1 Many today do not believe in God or have no interest in coming to know Him September 18
Introduction What can we do? PREACH AND PRACTICE HIS RELIGION WE CAN PERSUADE OTHERS 1 PET. 3:15 1 Cor. 15:19 September 18
Objection #1-The Problem of Evil September 18
Evil Is Real On Our World terrorism murder rape robbery violence spouse abuse child abuse abortion drinking other drugs fraud character assassinations greed September 18
Does Evil Rule Out God? NO! Criminals do not rule out law abiding citizens A wayward child does not rule out godly parents Ahab and Jezebel did not rule out the prophet Elijah September 18
Does Evil Rule Out God? Evil Judas and his sin does not make Jesus less real September 18
There Can Be No Right Our Wrong Without God If there is no God then there is no standard for determining right and wrong, good and evil, etc. September 18
Satan And Sin Are To Blame For Earthly Evil Adam and Eve in Eden before sin Adam and Eve cast out of Eden after their sin Satan was the cause-the great deceiver Jn. 8:44 September 18
Satan And Sin Are To Blame For Earthly Evil Satan and fallen man are responsible for all of the real evil in the world Too many blame God for everything that happens on the earth “Wrath of God” Satan and sin are to blame, not God September 18
Objection #2-Human Suffering September 18
The Atheistic Case Stated God is supposed to be all powerful and all good-why then does He not remove human suffering? Either God can’t remove suffering (is not all-powerful) or He won’t remove it (not all good, loving) September 18
The Why Of Human Suffering 1. It is common to all We are born to die-man lost access to the tree of life in Gen. 3 2. We suffer when others are in pain September 18
The Why Of Human Suffering 3. We suffer because of our own sins Ps. 51:3 Lk. 15:21 4. We suffer because of the sins of others Lk. 15:11-31 September 18
The Why Of Human Suffering 5. We suffer when we do right and are persecuted for it Mt. 5:10-12 1 Pet. 2:19 ff Jn. 16:2 September 18
The Why Of Human Suffering 6. We suffer when we try to teach others and they refuse to obey The Truth Mt. 7:6 September 18
The Why Of Human Suffering 7. We suffer because we cannot understand ALL that is happening and WHY it is happening to us Look at Job September 18
The Why Of Human Suffering 8. Sorrow and suffering are our common lot Is. 53:3 Is. 52:14 Mt. 20:22-23 September 18
We Do Not Fully Understand Suffering Look at the song, “FARTHER ALONG” Mt. 5:10-12 Acts 5:41-42 Js. 1:2-3 September 18
Facing Some Hard Facts About Suffering Some things can be both a blessing and a curse fire water electricity gravity Job 26:7 September 18
Facing Some Hard Facts About Suffering Pain can be a blessing It can signal a brain tumor It can warn us of dangers September 18
There Are Benefits To Suffering Ps. 119:67, 71 Job was a better man after his suffering Peter was a better man after his denial of Christ then before September 18
Conclusion There is much we do not know about suffering We must never accuse God falsely concerning evil and suffering He is the Potter-we are the clay Let us be clay that He can mold into a vessel of honor 2 Tim. 2:21 September 18
outlined from THE BIBLE DOCTRINE OF JEHOVAH GOD by Robert R outlined from THE BIBLE DOCTRINE OF JEHOVAH GOD by Robert R. Taylor, chp. 2 and 3 September 18