The Development of Judaism and the Israelites
Lesson #8-Judaism and Israelites Objective(s): Discuss the development of and the main concepts of Judaism. Analyze how Judaism effects the development of monotheism in the ancient world. Agenda: Bellwork, Notes, Exit Ticket, Book of Esther Assignment Bellwork: If you do not complete this in Google Classroom (recommended), you must do this on a separate paper from your notes, and turn in bellwork and your exit ticket (on the same paper) before you leave class. You must label your bellwork and exit ticket with “Lesson #8 Judaism and Israelites Bellwork and Exit Ticket”. What do you know about the Hebrews? Who are they? Where do they come from? What is their religion about? What are some of their stories?
Beginnings video clip Monotheistic Hebrew Bible=Torah=Old Testament Yahweh Influenced the development of Christianity and Islam as well as the values, ethics, and principles of western societies. Canaan (Lebanon, Jordan, Israel) Abraham and the Promised Land c.2000 BCE Isaac and Jacob/Israel 12 tribes of Israel Migration to and exodus from Egypt c. 1400s BCE Slavery and prayer Moses and the burning bush Refusal and 10 plagues Red Sea Passover video clip
Beginnings continued… Covenant, Mt. Sinai, and the Torah Ten Commandments Loyalty to one god; Christianity and Islam Morals basis for many societies Social justice and community How do the Ten Commandments promote the democratic idea that laws should apply equally to all?
Israelite Kingdom Return to Canaan to resettle their land with Jerusalem as the capital Split into two kingdoms: Israel and Judah Surrounding nations are polytheistic Conquered by Assyrians and then Chaldeans (720-586 BCE) Temple is destroyed Forced to relocate and assimilate into other’s cultures Practice and keep identity secret Persians allow Jews back to Jerusalem to live and rebuild, but Jews do not control their land(539 BCE) Return mainly to what was Judah=Judaism Old Testament written in its final form Alexander the GreatSeleucids Maccabees and Hanukkah (2nd century) Romans and Judaea in 1st century Zealot revolt in 66 CE Exiled from Jerusalem Western Wall Palestine
Lesson #8 Exit Ticket How did the existence of polytheism reinforce Judaism? How do you think Judaism influenced the development of Christianity and Islam?
Historical Perspective Discussion of Bias: Persians in the Bible How might Greeks and Hebrews view the Persians differently (compare POV)? Write a short essay (min two paragraphs) Include 1 citation from Book of Esther reading. Mention specific example from 300 clips. (from Greece PPT) *Your work will be stamped before we Begin discussion*