Co Ceo-Hunter Osborn and Tyler Peabody My Beloved Music Co Ceo-Hunter Osborn and Tyler Peabody
Mission Statement My Beloved Music employees will be able to answer any questions related to products. We want to guarantee best lowest prices on any kind of sound equipment. To enable new and old musicians to learn from each other, and share to the world the talent of music, we want a customer to pick up any instrument and try it out to see how the instrument sounds/feels. Our goal as a company is to offer help. We will have trained employees to fix the instruments. In our store customers are our main priority all the time. We will have highly qualified music technicians and musicians. Our staff will be qualified enough to teach how to use the instruments. We will teach and repair. If a customer wants a custom guitar we will be able to provide the service. We know the power of music, but now it’s your turn.
SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS: WEAKNESS: OPPERTUNITIES: THREATS: Know the Products Custom Guitars Recording Studio Having experience in this field WEAKNESS: Not having enough Products No experience in making custom guitars OPPERTUNITIES: Bring in Customers from PA Bring in a large range of Customers THREATS: •Attract competitors the too Area Customers might not have money for Product Unstable economy
Form of Ownership Partnership: Hunter Osborn and Tyler Peabody will each own 50% of the company and contribute equal amounts to the start up.
Location Located in Elmira NY 200 Baldwin Street, Elmira, NY 14901
Product/Service Product: Guitars, Drums, Amps, Lessons, Accessories, Custom guitar building, Recording.( for full listing see appendix one) Promotion: radio, newspaper, flyers, internet, once every 3 months have a concert.
Customer profile Customer Profile: Psychographics Tastes: has in interest in instruments Opinions: feels like music is a necessity in life Geographic’s Lives around/near Elmira Customers: individuals Income:$15000-$200000 Age:15-85 Gender: mostly male and some female Live near Elmira 85.4% of all males 20% of all females Customers want affordable/great quality instruments Potential customers currently buy from guitar center Can give customers a good experience and we can teach them how To play and learn the different parts of the guitar Customers may be willing to pay a certain amount Depending on the brand of the guitar
Target Market Target Market: My Beloved music targets market includes people who are beginners, hobbyists, and semi-professionals. These groups contain a large percentage of musicians. These people have the most percentage of disposable income. For these groups you don’t have to market your company in many different ways and your customers can be very loyal if treated right.
Market Research Primary Data Around 55% of people are male and 45% female 75% own an instrument 40% own any type of guitar and 40% own and orchestral instrument 20% own 1-2 instruments and 70% own 3 or more instruments 85% have some experience and 5% are experienced with playing an instrument 75% have been involved in a band and 25% have not Out of that 25%, 90% would like to be involved in a band
Market Research Secondary Data Around about 5% to 10% actually play guitar 60% is the age of 25 or older 90% users are males 75% have at least a college degree 40% house hold of 4 50% house hold income $30k to $75k 50% have 5 years of experience playing guitar 90% own acoustic and 60% own electric Fender, Gibson, Martin, Taylor, Ibanez are brands that are favored to customers 70% users buy more than $300 a year on CDs
Competitors MBM’s Competitors are located in Johnson City, NY at Guitar Center and McNeil music in Ithaca and those are both approximately 1 hour away.
Org Chart Hunter & Tyler CEO/Owner Marketing manager Accountant Graphic Design N/A N/A N/A Marketing manager Accountant Hunter & Tyler CEO/Owner Sales floor manager Teaching/recording manager Sales floor worker Restocking/maintenance Teachers Sound booth workers
Financial Info Revenues:$74,225.84 Total Expenses:$50,841.56 Cash Flow:$23,384.28
Financial info (cont.) Revenues:$78,012.24 Total Expenses:$52,116.82 Cash Flow:$25,895.43
Financial info Year 1-3 Revenues:$482,271.69 Total Expenses:$636,488.65 Cash Flow:$30,463.15
Grand Opening Idea We will have a concert in the store and the first 100 people will get a coupon to get 10% off and equipment or accessories under $150. Also anyone who comes in on the grand opening will get a choice of 1 pair of drum sticks or 1 bag containing 20 custom picks.
Snap Chat We will also be using Snap chat to give special deals to people who follow us. Through it we will give out coupons and also give information to them about any events that we are having or any deals we have going on at the store.
Website My Beloved Music Website