Intro to Islam.


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Presentation transcript:

Intro to Islam

The heart of Islam Islam = “surrender” or “submission” Wholehearted surrender to God Muslim and Islam come from words for peace Islam can be seen as a family of believers The Qur’an says “the believers are a band of brothers”

Belief in God God is all-powerful, all knowing, controlling creator Monotheistic and Abrahamic (cousin to Judaism and Christianity) “Allah” refers to God but is not “his” name Literally means “the god”

Allah Allah/God has 99 names The Merciful The Just The Compassionate, etc. The Qur’an describes Allah as personal and caring and all powerful No gender, but generally referred to as a male Images of Allah or Muhammad (at least the face) are not looked highly upon (never FORBIDDEN in Qur’an, but a religious rule says it is idolatry)

God in Everyday Life Omnipresent Frequent phrase in conversation: “If God wills” People are called to prayer 5 times a day by a caller – Muezzin

Prophets God has historically spoken through many prophets Abraham, Moses, Jesus Jesus is not seen as divine Islam sees Christianity and Judaism as contaminating God’s true word with human misunderstandings

Muhammad Muhammad is believed to be the prophet to speak the true, pure, divine messages of God “Influenced” by Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism Muslims hold that Muhammad’s writings came directly from God

World View Good and evil forces are constantly weighing on us Our choices can have serious consequences Religion is seen to help bring morality to humans; to regulate human life for our own safe keeping

Reading and Film on Muhammad Read the passage about Muhammad 1. Make a timeline in your notes emphasizing key points in his life 2. Answer: How are Jesus and Muhammad similar? Different? Film: “Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet”