Institute and Academy Workload November 2017 Report to the Institute Board
Management of resources and infrastructure Strategy Implementation Governance Management of resources and infrastructure
Ongoing activities – Occupational Qualifications Assessments – Recognition of prior learning Assessments - Learnerships Related admin e.g. scheduling assessments, coordinating venues and assessors Moderation Graduation ceremonies
Ongoing activities – Designations Occupational qualifications Assessments – Recognition of prior learning Assessments - Learnerships Related admin e.g. scheduling assessments, coordinating venues and assessors Moderation CPD reporting
Current Projects – Occupational Qualifications New qualifications Development of material Development of simulations Development of assessments
Ongoing activities – SAQA/QCTO Occupational qualifications Uploading qualification holders onto SAQA’s NLRD Uploading designation holders onto SAQA’s NLRD Evaluating workplace providers Evaluating skills development providers Compliance
Membership Membership Annual billing process New member applications Queries Confirmation of membership
Technical Technical Queries Articles Guidance Involvement in creation of guidance by Global/AEPF/IRC Products and bookstore
Events Events National conferences Regional conferences National events Regional events AGMs (national and regional)
Executive leadership Network ELN Building of resource centre Round tables Group mentorship workshops North America Audit Executive Network Sales and marketing
Finance Finance Recording transactions Follow up on debtors Reporting Audits Integration between systems
Policy Policy Corporate Governance Index Stakeholder Guidance Papers Scanning the environment for issues needing a response from the Institute Special interest groups AEPF secretariat
Communication to Members Communications Communication to Members Bulk e-mails to the regions Bulk e-mails sent nationally Newsletters Posting on social media Meetings with CAEs
Communications Queries Responding to incoming calls Responding to incoming e-mails Responding to queries on social media platforms Responding to conversations on social media platforms
Communications Marketing New website for the Institute New website for the Academy Brochures Packaging of products
Nominations and Awards Board elections process International committee nomination process Awards nomination and judging process Appointments to committees outside of Board members
Academy Marketing Contract with training providers (organisations) Learnerships Marketing Contract with training providers (organisations) Contract with trainers Set up and running of learnerships Administration
Academy Determining training topics and calendar CPD Determining training topics and calendar Contract with trainers Scheduling training venues Administration Certificates
External Communication Articles and blogs Media Public relations Speak at events and conferences when requested (e.g. SALGA/provincial treasuries) Speak at internal audit/audit committee company training/induction Social media platforms Student/career days
External involvement International committees International task teams AEPF – CvE chairing and IIA SA is the secretariat IRC – providing secretariat support PSACF – CvE on Executive Committee. CN on sub committee and part of writing of guidance papers IoD Audit Committee Forum (CN) University Advisory Boards (4) SAICA Enquiry Panel (CvE) Public Sector Forums
Internal Committees and Forums Manco Academy Project Team ICT Committee Think Tank meetings Staff Forum Focus groups (internal soft skills training) Ad hoc task teams
Projects in the pipeline Funding being sought from Fasset for learnerships and RPLs Student chapter Development of new qualifications Development and delivery of training for the public sector on behalf of National Treasury E-learning Accreditation of tertiary institutions Regulation New system for the Academy Mentorship program Website Digitisation
Governance Two boards (13 meetings per year) with related activities e.g. preparation of Board packs Board task teams Twelve committees under the Institute (+/- 63 meetings a year) and related secretarial support Special interest groups One committee under the Academy (5 meetings a year). Two more in the pipeline Regional Committee Chairs meetings(3 meetings a year) Regional committees Induction of regional committees and annual meeting with various regional committees 13 regional visits a year Assistance to Lesotho and Swaziland Boards Integrated Report AGM
Day to day Average number of telephone calls coming into the Institute (excluding the Academy) – 5,987 per month Average number of calls going out of the Institute (excluding the Academy) – 2,253 per month Average number of e-mails coming into the Institute - TBD Average number of e-mails coming into the Membership Department – 1815 per month Debtors follow ups and contacts on average 300 – 350 per month Number of financial transaction on average 2,411 per month We manage 12 bank accounts
Day to day Recruitment Staff management Staff training Maintaining IT hardware, software and security Facilities management – Both the Institute and the Academy