By: Noah Munford Noel Shelton Dylan Connor Islamic faith By: Noah Munford Noel Shelton Dylan Connor
Islam Monotheism Monotheism: the belief that there is only one God Islam calls for the oneness of their God, Allah. If this is not followed the worship or devotion has no meaning or value. Different Angles of Monotheism -The Oneness of God in His Lordship -Devotion of All Worship to God Alone -The Oneness of God in His Names and Attributes
Islam Universalizing Islam is universalizing, it is extremely popular and there is not just one race that practices it. it's a world renowned religion that continues to spread. It is also written in islamic history that at the time of holy prophet anyone was free to meet with the prophet and ask to join. Also there are muslims of every race
Islam hierarchy Islam is hierarchical because there are the Sunni and the Shia. The Shia believe that Muhammad son in law Ali is his successor however the Sunni believe that Muhammad's close friend Abu Bakr is his successor. Also temporary marriage is allowed in Shia where it is strictly prohibited in the Sunni.They both share the basic principles but throughout time they began to differ it all began after the prophet muhammad's death
Religion history place of origin is mecca and medina It was founded by the prophet muhammad in 610 ce Some key people/figures would be muhammad,abu bakr,ali,uthman and umar and some major events in islamic history are the birth of muhammad 570 ce. In 610-22 ce muhammad received his first vision and not to long after preached his first sermon in mecca.
Islamic diffusion
Teachings of islam The islamic faith has one main deity allah, The central beliefs of the religion are the five doctrines of islam these doctrines are made up of five main principles, absolute unity of god, belief of angles, belief in prophets,belief in scriptures and the belief in final judgement.
Malcolm x Malcolm little was a civil rights activist who decided to convert to islam during his younger years. when he went to prison He was persuaded by the inmates and even went so far as to change his name to el-hajj malik-el shabazz .
Becoming a follower of islam Becoming a follower/believer of the islamic religion is not as difficult as you would think you only have to do one thing. In order to become a muslim you must recite/pledge the shahada and once you do that you are a muslim for life.
Islamic Religious Beliefs Islam has many books the main one being the qur’an but there were three major books that came before it the tawrat, zubar and the injil
Islamic religious beliefs Almsgiving fasting you can not eat or drink during the day for 30 days once your 30 days are up you are cleansed and your sins are washed away You can't eat during the day but once the day is over you may eat and drink. The name islam means submission which means you have submitted yourself to god. In order to touch the quran you must wash your hands each time before you touch it. Men are not allowed to wear shorts in prayer because it is seen as showing to much skin to the women. Men and women do not sit together in the mosque They do not believe in eating pork because they see the pig as a dirty animal an they do not have veins
Islamic symbols/calendars The nation of islam has many symbols but the main ones are the star and crescent moon and the color green.The importance of the of the color green is it was muhammad's favorite color and it is asid the he was always referencing it in his writing and that he had a green cloak he often wore. The islamic calendar is called the hijri and lits al determined by the movements of the moon.
Islamic holy day/pilgrimages/ major divisions and branches Eid al-fitr Eid al ahda Sunni and shia are the branches the difference between the two is the sunnis believed that muhammad's advisor abu bakr was the rightful caliph of the muslims while the shia believe that ali was the one who was chosen to rule the muslims. Sunni = 85-90 percent shia = 10-15 percent
Islam Statistics As of 2010 Islam makes up 23% of the world's population at 1.6 Billion members in their religion. At the rate it is growing at currently, it will equal christianity by 2050 which is currently stands at around 2.2 billion.
Islam Compared to Other Religions Christianity 2.2 Billion Followers 31.5% Islam 1.6 Billion Followers 23.2% Nonreligious/Atheist 1.1 Billion Followers 16.3% Hinduism 1 Billion Followers 15% Buddhism 376 Million Followers 7.1%
Comparing Christianity and Islam Despite their differences and conflicts that take place Christianity and Islam share some similarities in their history. They both originate from the same region, believe in the story of Abraham, Jesus was the messiah in Islam the believe that Muhammad was the last messiah, and they both believe in the oneness of God. ://
Places of worship (building structures/architecture) Mosque First one was built in 627 ad by Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas who was muhammad's uncle
Sacred religious sites Ka’ba The ka’ba is a holy shrine in mecca, saudi arabia built by abraham.
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