Les Verbes - ER La norm: Comparisons 4 Les Verbes - ER La norm: Comparisons 4.1 Understanding the nature of language What is a « regular verb »? How are regular –ER verbs conjugated?
La formule: Stem + endings = conjugated verb Stem = infinitive – ER *The infinitive is the form of the verb before it is conjugated, when it still has its « ending » on. Endings: Je – e Nous – ons Tu – es Vous – ez Il, elle, on - e Ils/elles - ent
Parler Nous parlons Je parle Vous parlez Tu parles Ils/elles parlent Elle parle On
So, what does ‘Je parle’ mean? Je parle = I talk I am talking I do talk Nous parlons = We talk We are talking We do talk
Can you conjugate ‘Aimer’ – to like? J’ aime Tu aimes Il Elle aime On Why did ‘Je’ become J’? Nous aimons Vous aimez Ils/elles aiment What sound will be made to link the subject and verb?
One last thing! To make a sentence negative ne … pas is put around the verb. Je ne travaille pas après l’école (I don’t work after school.) If the verb begins with a vowel or silent ‘h’, then ne becomes n’ Je n’aime pas les maths! I don’t like math!