What is the Zero Hunger Challenge?


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Presentation transcript:

What is the Zero Hunger Challenge? Zero Hunger is the United Nations Secretary-General’s vision for a future where no person is hungry, where every woman, child and man enjoys their right to food; women are empowered; priority is given to family farming; and food systems everywhere are made sustainable and resilient.

What does Zero Hunger look like?

stunted children younger than 2 years Universal access to nutritious food in the 1000 days between the start of pregnancy and a child’s second birthday, Nutrition-sensitive health care, water, sanitation, education and specific nutrition interventions, coupled with initiatives that enable empowerment of women, as encouraged in the Movement for Scaling Up Nutrition stunted children younger than 2 years Zero stunted children less than 2 years - universal access to nutritious food in the 1000 day window of opportunity between the start of pregnancy and a child’s second birthday, supported by nutrition-sensitive health care, water, sanitation, education and specific nutrition interventions, coupleud with initiatives that enable empowerment of women, as encouraged in the Movement for Scaling Up Nutrition.

access to adequate food all year round 842 million people – 1 in 8 – are hungry. The MDGs aimed to halve the percentage of the population which is hungry by 2015. The projected percentage is 12.5%, against the 11.6% target. There has been significant progress, but both the absolute number and percentage of people who are undernourished are still too high. access to adequate food all year round

food systems are sustainable 30% of land is used for crops and pastures. 70% of freshwater is used to produce food. Agriculture, forestry and other land use are responsible for 30% of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions. Climate-sensitive investments in agriculture improve land management, increase efficient use of water and ensure a food secure future while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. food systems are sustainable

increase in smallholder productivity and income 2.5 billion people are involved in smallholder agriculture. They provide 80 per cent of the food consumed in the developing world. Most of the 1.4 billion people living on under US$1.25 a day live depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. Support for smallholder farmers is 5 times more effective in reducing poverty than investment in any other sector. increase in smallholder productivity and income

1/3 of all food produced (1.3 billion tons) is never consumed. In developing countries, pests, inadequate storage facilities and inefficient supply chains are major contributors to food loss. In developed nations, food is thrown away by households, the retail and catering industries. loss or waste of food