AP EURO Unit #1 – Age of Absolutism Lesson #6 English Civil War
James VI of Scotland becomes James I of England King of England 1603-1625
Who was James I? James VI of Scotland – only son of Mary, Queen of Scots Father had been murdered 3 months before he was born Mary, Queen of Scots was “taken” one year after he was born Officially became king of Scotland at age one Ruled 57 years over Scotland Tried to unite Scotland with England once he became James I of England – not successful until his granddaughter would unite them in 1707 Unpopular – was an absolutist divine rightist king Taxed the people without parliament approval
James’ view of Divine Right Kings are justly called gods, for that they exercise a manner or resemblance of divine power upon earth: for if you will consider the attributes to God, you shall see how they agree in the person of a king. God hath power to create or destroy make or unmake at his pleasure, to give life or send death, to judge all and to be judged nor accountable to none; to raise low things and to make high things low at his pleasure, and to God are both souls and body due. And the like power have kings: they make and unmake their subjects, they have power of raising and casting down, of life and of death, judges over all their subjects and in all causes and yet accountable to none but God only…
What did James I do? Tolerant of other religions Including Catholics Had no time for strict behavior of Puritans Challenged them – BOOK OF SPORTS Many Puritans wanted to force intolerance toward Catholics Some even wanted to “separate” Some “Separatists” left England in 1620 Other pushed for correcting the English Church Expected England to join in 30 Years War
How was James I so different than Elizabeth, or the other Tudors? Why will this matter?
What gave James I the authority to be king? Who does James I remind you of?
How much was he hated? GUY FAWKES DAY – NOV 5, 1605 Anti-Catholic, anti “Guy” day Fireworks and celebrating GUN POWDER PLOT Wanted to kill King, Privy Council, Lords and some Commons Fawkes found lurking in basement, a ton of gunpowder, hours from expl.
What gave Charles I the authority to be king?
Who was Charles I? Ruled like his dad Pushed protestant presence in Ireland Irish rebelled Called Parliament to raise $$ for an army Parliament demanded PETITION OF RIGHT Parliament of vote on all taxation Parliament be declared the voice of the people due process of law; no quartering of troops in homes Charles agreed, to get the $$ Charles disbanded parliament
STUART MONARCHS OF ENGLAND James I Charles I ENGLISH CIVIL WAR Parliament raised an army to attack the King’s army… 2m
How did the war start? Charles attempted to unite Scotland with England Laud – English book of Common Prayer Scots rebelled Parliament recalled for $$ Petition of Right Puritans had become a powerful political voice Demanded Charles give them authority Disbanded – SHORT PARLIAMENT Recalled again – LONG PARLIAMENT – war! Eventually, reduced to RUMP PARLIAMENT and executed the king
STUART MONARCHS OF ENGLAND James I Charles I ENGLISH CIVIL WAR Bob Hale, Eng CW Cromwell, a Parliamentarian took command of Parliament’s military. Parliament won Cromwell then took over Parliament as dictator Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector
Describe the attitude of Oliver Cromwell. Do you think Cromwell had a right to declare himself dictator?
STUART MONARCHS OF ENGLAND The Great Restoration James I Charles I ENGLISH CIVIL WAR Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector rap Charles II James Cromwell died, and Parliament invited Charles I son to return to England – they restored the Stuarts to power.
STUART MONARCHS OF ENGLAND James I Charles I ENGLISH CIVIL WAR Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector Charles II James II No one liked James II, who was friends with many Catholics.
STUART MONARCHS OF ENGLAND James’ first wife had two daughters who were raised as Protestants. James I Charles I ENGLISH CIVIL WAR Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector Charles II James II Mary (Protestant) Anne (Protestant)
STUART MONARCHS OF ENGLAND James married a second time to a Catholic woman, who would raise kids as Catholics. James I Charles I ENGLISH CIVIL WAR Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector James then had son by that woman who would be Catholic. That was unacceptable Charles II James II Mary (Protestant) Anne (Protestant) James (Catholic)
STUART MONARCHS OF ENGLAND So Parliament dumped James and invited his daughter, Mary and her husband to be the next monarchs. James I Charles I ENGLISH CIVIL WAR Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector Charles II James II William of Orange from Netherlands Mary (Protestant) Anne (Protestant) James (Catholic)
WILLIAM OF ORANGE James’ sister Mary had married the Dutch leader Was VERY protestant Perfect for the English They invited William and Mary to “invade” James II ran into exile, to France, with Charlie Parliament then extended their power Which was “revolutionary” And in this war, no one died Hence the name “glorious” and “revolution” Parliament had demands for William and Mary
STUART MONARCHS OF ENGLAND GLORIOUS REVOLUTION was when William and Mary were invited to invade England by Parliament and claim the throne from James II. James I Charles I His son would never be king ENGLISH CIVIL WAR Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector Charles II James II William III Mary II Anne (Protestant) James (Catholic)
STUART MONARCHS OF ENGLAND William and Mary would rule as joint monarchs James I Charles I ENGLISH CIVIL WAR Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector Charles II James II Mary Anne (Protestant) James (Catholic) William III Mary II
STUART MONARCHS OF ENGLAND When William and Mary died, Anne became queen. Anne had no kids who lived past infancy, so the Stuart line died with her. James I Charles I ENGLISH CIVIL WAR Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector Charles II James II Anne I James (Catholic) William III Mary II
Answer one of these questions as the opening paragraph to a good essay 1. Discuss how our American Revolution can trace its roots to the English Civil War. 2. How did Elizabeth’s lack of an heir lead indirectly to the English Civil War?