Warm Up 9-15-14 Give two reasons why the Louisiana Purchase was important. (Complete sentences) What was the Missouri Compromise? (Complete sentences) Now get with your partner and finish the last two Presidents from Friday
Mr. Madison’s War The War of 1812 1812 - 1815
An unprepared America goes to war… 12 ship US Navy vs. 800 ship British Navy Americans did not like draft - enlist in militias, not Army Inflation from paper $$ Revenue from import taxes were null Little military funding
America and Canada - 1812 Britain is distracted from America until 1813 (Napoleon) US desires to annex Canada from England US attempted to invade British holdings three different times All failed! The Canadians failed to join the American war effort!
-America controls Lake Erie after a British defeat. 1813 - -America controls Lake Erie after a British defeat. -York (Toronto) is burned -Tecumseh is killed(Battle of Thames) The British retaliate and block the American seaboard (This makes the war unpopular in the Northeast!) The British then attack America!!
1814 - Washington Burns!! August 1814 - British Forces sailed into Chesapeake Bay and capture Washington D.C. The White House and Capitol BURN! Madison and Congress barely escape They then attack Baltimore Sept 13, 1814 British ships bombard Fort McHenry continuously for 24 hours before giving up!! 4 killed, 24 wounded (1 African American, 1 woman cut in half!)
Oh Say, Can You See! Baltimore lawyer Francis Scott Key watched the attack from a ship in the harbor He pens a poem about the attack - The Defense of Fort Henry - which is later set to music! (A British drinking song!) It became a popular song of the times! June 27,1889 Is made the official flag raising song 1931 Becomes the official National Anthem of America (Hoover)
1814 cont. Indian issues are settled in the South (Florida) by Andrew Jackson Treaty of Ghent : - Signed Dec 24th, 1814 - No real changes from 1812 - Did NOT address impressment (the alleged cause of the war) - Reestablished prewar boundaries in West - The War ended in a stalemate
The Hartford Convention Opposition grows as war enters 1815 Federalists in New England meet and considered secession (power has grown during war because of industrialization) Right of nullification stated – Embargo laws! After New Orleans, convention looks absurd and the Federalists disappear
But the War lingered on….. The Battle of New Orleans Fought after the treaty was signed (but not ratified) -Over 2,000 casualties for British -13 US casualities Pirates and Frontiersman fought alongside US troops Made Andrew Jackson a National hero and household name
Often referred to as the Second War for American Independence. Results of the War! 1. Growth of American Nationalism. Often referred to as the Second War for American Independence. 2. Strengthening of isolationism. 3. Increase in westward migration. 4. Encouragement of American Industry. 5. Disappearance of the Federalist Party 6. Gave the United States a National Identity We were able to hold our own against the British Started us thinking about continuing westward expansion Ended bad feelings toward the British