All these quotes are from the same person All these quotes are from the same person. What do they tell you about him? “Power is my mistress. I have worked too hard at her conquest to allow anyone to take her away from me.” “There are but two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run the sword is always beaten by the mind." “Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.” "He that makes war without many mistakes has not made war very long." “Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.” “History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon”. “I know when it is necessary, how to leave the skin of lion to take one of fox.” “A man will fight harder for his interests than for his rights.” “A throne is only a bench covered with velvet.” “Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.”
The Rise and Fall of Napoleon’s Empire How does this Picture reflect the information you gathered from the quotes?
How about these two Pictures?
Church Representatives Empress Josephine
Napoleon was born here, on the Island of Corsica
I. Napoleon Seizes Power 1769 – Born on Corsica Military school in France on Scholarship Saved National Convention, by firing shot at a mob come to get them Directory sent him into Italy- Success! Egypt- while there he practices administration, but loses to Nelson
I. Napoleon Seizes Power… Returns to France as the Hero of Egypt (the news he lost is slower to arrive.) 1799 – dissolved Directory, seized power with friends Sieyes and Ducos and they three become consuls to run the government Later, even more popular, he declares himself the one leader of France He takes on the Powers of a Dictator
II. Napoleon Rules France Plebiscite (public vote) approved new constitution – Napoleon stronger He repair the economy – fixed tax collection, established a national bank, fired the corrupt Lycees – started government run public schools, rewards based on merit
II. Napoleon Rules France Concordat – repairs the relationship with Church, He will claim influence but no control Establishes the Napoleonic Code – A system of laws that were uniform but eliminated individual rights, and restored slavery in Caribbean
III. Napoleon Creates an Empire 1804 – crowned himself Emperor Wanted territory in New World, couldn’t overcome slave armies in Haiti and sold the Louisiana Purchase to the USA. Wanted to expand in Europe, other nations attacked & were defeated, signed peace treaties.
Napoleon’s Empire… Austerlitz is his finest battle. He crushes the Russians and Austrians both. Battle of Trafalgar – England’s Nelson destroyed the French fleet, Napoleon wouldn’t be able to invade Britain. Most of continental Europe in his control by 1812
Battles of Napoleon
The Greatest Extent of Napoleon’s Empire!
IV. Napoleon’s Costly Mistakes Continental System – blockade against Great Britain, destroy economy, make continental Europe more self-sufficient, Britain did it better… Peninsular War – French marched into Spain, took over govt., Spanish guerrilla forces attacked, French army severely weakened Napoleon establishes his relatives as kings in the countries he conquers. These people are not competent rulers. The citizens of these countries revolt.
D) Invasion of Russia – Meant to punish Czar for selling grain to England. 1812- 600,000 + French soldiers invade Russia. Russians pull back and refuse to fight, practice scorched-earth policy, and burn Moscow down. Napoleon marched back to France in winter, lost his army to the cold. 20,000 walk out…
V. Napoleon’s Downfall Major powers attacked: England and Prussia 1814 – Napoleon surrendered at Liepzig, exiled to island of Elba New king unpopular, Napoleon escaped Elba, returns to France a Hero for 100 days and built a new army in 1815 Battle of Waterloo – Napoleon defeated by combined forces of Russia, Prussia, Austria Sweden and England St. Helena – Exiled until his death in 1821