Entering Informal Enforcement Actions This ICIS Training Module will demonstrate how to enter an informal enforcement action. We will discuss how to Add, Edit, and Delete Informal Enforcement Actions. The Federal Statutes Violated defaults to CWA and cannot be edited Users must identify one or more Programs that have been violated
To enter an Informal Enforcement action select either the state or federal links, that pertain to your user role (State users will only see the State link). To add an informal Enforcement Action, at least one NPDES Facility Interest must be selected Prior to entering an informal Enforcement Action, ensure the facility already exists in ICIS To enter Informal actions, you must have Sensitive data access rights. Please consult with your ICIS Administrator if you need Sensitive rights.
The Enforcement Action Identifier Whether you are a state or federal user the screen is identical, with one exception, and that exception is the default option for your state. If you are an EPA user, the first two letters will default to your Regional Office. For State users, this will default to your State and can not be changed. The remainder of this field is system generated. At this screen enter the required fields identified by an *. The Enforcement Action Identifier Is a single-field system-generated identifier the first two characters of which will be the state code or Region codes for EPA users. Will uniquely identify an Informal Enforcement Action in ICIS–NPDES
At a minimum, enter the Informal Action Type. Although Enforcement Action Name and Achieved Date fields are not system required, it is highly recommended to distinguish this action in reports and online searches. Violations can not be linked to an Informal Enforcement Action unless the Achieved Date field contains a value.
Search for and find your Facility States MUST use an ICIS NPDES Facility when linking to the Informal Enforcement Action.
After selecting the Facility, you will be taken to the main Add screen After selecting the Facility, you will be taken to the main Add screen. At this point the only system required field you need to fill out is the Programs Violated field. This is a multi-select box. Select multiple values by pressing and holding down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while selecting the values with your mouse.
At the bottom of the Add screen, you have additional (optional) fields for User Defined data and Comments. Please note that all Comments may be publically accessible.
When finished entering all of your data, click Save & Continue to save the record.
Once Saved, you are returned to the Edit screen Once Saved, you are returned to the Edit screen. You may edit any of the data on the record. You also now have access to Sub Activities and Related Activities
To add a Sub Activity, click on the Sub Activities submenu link, then click on Add Sub Activity.
Sub Activities for Informal Enforcement Actions are Add you Sub Activity data, click Save. You can add as many Sub Activities as you need. Sub Activities for Informal Enforcement Actions are Generic tracking events captured in ICIS–NPDES Used for Informational purposes Entered at the discretion of the user Sub Activities will have no effect on either the Informal Enforcement Action or the status of the Violations that are linked to it
Compliance Monitoring Activities Link and Unlink Compliance Monitoring Activities and Violations Users can link and unlink Violations and Compliance Monitoring Activities to the Informal Enforcement Action Compliance Monitoring Activities Must be linked to at least one of the Facility Interests specified for the Informal Enforcement Action Violations Cannot be linked to an Informal Enforcement Action unless the Enforcement Action Achieved Date exists Must be linked to at least one of the NPDES Facility Interests specified for the Informal Enforcement Action Linking of Violations will be covered in another presentation.
ICIS Customer Support at (202) 564-7756 or icis@epa.gov If further assistance is required please contact Your Assigned System Administrator or ICIS Customer Support at (202) 564-7756 or icis@epa.gov THANK YOU! If you need further assistance please contact your System Administrator or the ICIS helpline at (202) 564-7756 or at icis@epa.gov