Title I, Part A and Schoolwide Program Requirements


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Presentation transcript:

Title I, Part A and Schoolwide Program Requirements Title I Department Annual School Support Meeting September 6, 2013

What is Title I? Title I is a federally funded program which enables schools to provide opportunities for children served to acquire knowledge and skills contained in the challenging state content standards (TEKS) and to meet the challenging state performance standards (STAAR) developed for all children.

The Purpose of Title I The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.

The Purpose of Title I To ensure that high-quality assessments, accountability systems, teacher preparation and training, curriculum, and instructional materials are aligned Meeting the educational needs of low-achieving children Closing the achievement gap between high-and-low performing children

Areas to Focus Supplement vs. Supplant - Supplement-add to; enhance; expand - Supplant-take the place of; replace Supplemental funds cannot be used for implementing the regular mandated foundation program Ex: Due to boundary changes, Okay Middle school will have another class of geometry. Can desks be bought for this classroom?

Supplement vs. Supplant Title I Part A provides federal dollars to help supplement- add to; enhance; expand educational opportunities for children who are at risk of failing to meet the state’s challenging standards. Supplant-take the place of; replace If you didn’t have____fund source, would you still pay for/buy____? If the answer is “yes” it is unallowable to use federal, state and special revenue funds to pay for the item.

Two Types of Title I, Part A Programs Targeted assistance program: less than 40% of the students at a campus meet the federal guidelines for poverty and those who qualify are “targeted” for assistance. This program only benefits those who qualify. Schoolwide program: 40% or more of the students at a campus meet the federal guidelines for poverty and all students benefit from Title I, Part A funds.

Title I Requirements 14 Indicators

Title I Requirements 14 Indicators TIA1 Coordination and Integration TIA2 Private Nonprofit Schools Consultation TIA3 Private Nonprofit Schools Equitable Services TIA4 District Parent Involvement Policies and Practices TIA5 Campus Parent Involvement Policy

Title I Indicators TIA6 School-Parent Compacts Elementary campuses must conduct an annual parent-teacher conference TIA7 Staff Development for Parental Involvement -For staff members in addition to sessions for parents TIA8 Technical Assistance TIA9 Language and Form TIA10 Campus Allocation TIA11 Parent Notification

Title I Indicators TIA12 Services to Homeless Children TIA13 Schoolwide Programs TIA14 Campus Improvement Plan on a Schoolwide Campus 10 components of a schoolwide program must have supporting documentation for each component and each component must be embedded in the campus improvement plan (CIP).

TIA 14 The 14 indicators of a Title I, Part A program should not be confused with the 10 components of a schoolwide program. Although there are similarities, they are a separate set of requirements.

TIA 14 Only applies to campuses with a schoolwide Title I, Part A program (every campus in Aldine, except COMPASS, Lane, Victory Early College, and Hall Education Center) has a schoolwide Title I, Part A program). Requires campuses to ensure 10 components are embedded in their schoolwide plan ( i.e. campus improvement plan CIP). In addition to the 14 indicators, campuses must provide documentation for all 10 components.

TIA 14 10 Components outlined and documented in the Campus Improvement Plan are: 1. Comprehensive needs assessment 2. Schoolwide strategies 3. Instruction by highly qualified teachers 4. Professional development 5. Strategies to attract highly qualified teachers 6. Strategies to increase parental involvement 7. Smooth transitioning 8. Teachers included in decisions regarding assessments 9. Effective, timely assistance for students 10. Coordination of programs

Title I indicator 14, 10 Components

TIA 14 10 Components of a Schoolwide Plan 1. Comprehensive Needs Assessment What data was used to determine the campus need? TAKS/STAAR should not be to sole source AEIS; TAKS/STAAR, attendance/dropout; surveys of parents, community, teachers, students; other assessments results (TPRI, Tejas LEE, benchmark assessments, progress monitoring data, etc…)

TIA 14 10 Components of a Schoolwide Plan 2. Schoolwide Strategies: What strategies are being used to impact all students/all subgroups, etc. Opportunities for all students to meet the state’s proficient and advanced levels Strategies to address needs of all students, but particularly low achieving and those at risk of not meeting state achievement standards

Schoolwide Strategies include but are not limited to… Tutorials, computer-aided instruction, extended learning opportunities, parent involvement strategies, professional development, sheltered instruction Research-based math programs, research-based reading/language arts programs/strategies, etc.

TIA 14 10 Components of a Schoolwide Plan 3. Instruction by Highly Qualified Teachers (HQTs) Definition of “highly qualified” The federal definition of a “Highly Qualified” teacher is one who is fully certified and/or licensed by the state, holds at least a bachelor’s degree from a four-year institution, and demonstrates competence in each core academic subject area in which the teacher teachers. How are teachers impacting student achievement?

Who has to be HQ? All K-12 core content teachers must be HQ Content teachers in English, reading language arts, math, science, foreign languages…….

TIA 14 10 Components of a Schoolwide Plan 4. Professional Development- should include activities that are- High quality, sustained, intensive, classroom-focused to impact classroom instruction and the teacher’s performance No one day or short term workshops or conferences unless they are tied to broad instructional goals Intended for teachers, principals, paraprofessionals, and others as appropriate

TIA 14 10 Components of a Schoolwide Plan 5. Strategies to Attract Highly Qualified Teachers: Is there a mentoring program? Are teachers encouraged to strengthen their academic knowledge to be a stronger teacher producing stronger academic students? What is being done to provide an environment conducive to student safety and academic success? Students with the greatest need should have access to most qualified and experienced teachers

TIA 14 10 Components of a Schoolwide Plan 6. Strategies to Increase Parental Involvement Parental involvement policy developed and distributed (PAC documentation) Describes strategies to increase district and campus parental involvement Include annual evaluation of policy in improving academic quality of Title I, Part A schools What is being done to build relationships among family, community and school staff that fosters trust and collaboration? How are parents being included in the decision making processes?

Strategies to Increase Parental Involvement (con’t) Are meetings being held at flexible times/dates? Is there an annual meeting to explain what is Title I and parent involvement rights? Develop school-parent compact Develop parent involvement policy Provide notification in language and form parents/guardians can understand Provide right-to-know concerning professional qualifications of teachers (TransAct) Ask yourself– have all documents been developed/revisited/revised with parent/guardian input.

TIA 14 10 Components of a Schoolwide Plan 7. Smooth Transitioning What measures are being taken to ensure smooth transitioning from grade to grade, campus to campus? Develop specific plans and collaborative procedures to ensure smooth transition for all students in the schoolwide program What form of communication is used to notify parents of the transitioning process?

TIA 14 10 Components of a Schoolwide Plan 8. Teachers Included in Decisions Regarding Assessments How are teachers involved in analyzing data and are they involved in determining how that data will be used? Are teachers disaggregating data and do they know what it means? Where do we go from here? Ex. Collaborative sessions to review performance data and determine insructional interventions

TIA 14 10 Components of a Schoolwide Plan 9. Effective, Timely Assistance for Students (Intervention) Activities to ensure that effective, timely assistance is provided to students who have difficulty mastering proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards Includes measures to ensure that: students are identified on a timely basis sufficient information is provided on which to base effective assistance EIT process

Effective, Timely Assistance for Students (Intervention) Are parent-teacher conferences conducted when or before a need for interventions arises? Are accommodations/modifications being met? Are students receiving RtI/EIT? What data was used to determine the need? Evidence should reflect answers to the above questions and all other measures used by the campus to identify students having difficulty and needed assistance.

Effective, Timely Assistance for Students Consider: Professional development for teachers in identifying and serving students who are experiencing difficulty Communicate with parents of students who have not mastered the standards What strategies are in place to ensure that students are identified in a timely manner? What supports are offered to students, and their teachers, who are experiencing difficulty?

TIA 14 10 Components of a Schoolwide Plan 10. Coordination of Programs Coordination and integration between federal, state, and local services and programs Include evidence that consolidation of funds is used to ensure that all students receive a quality education, become academically proficient and reach advanced levels of achievement Ensure and provide evidence that the intent and purpose of each coordinating program was met as intended

Budget Summary Worksheet

Program Evaluation (previous year is OK) This can be the program evaluation from the previous year.

NCLB Report Card and AEIS Report Go to the Aldine ISD website: www NCLB Report Card and AEIS Report Go to the Aldine ISD website: www.aldine.k12.tx.us 1. Click the About Aldine tab. 2. Click the Accountability tab.

NCLB Report Card and AEIS Report 3 NCLB Report Card and AEIS Report 3. Click AEIS Report Card-most current 4. Click NCLB Report-most current

TIA 14 10 Schoolwide Components Should be embedded in the Campus Improvement Plan Identify the components in some manner/tabbed/highlighted/typed into the plan, etc. A copy of the CIP will be submitted to your program director mid-year (usually in December.) Please remember to make 2 highlighted copies. One for your program director and one for your portfolio.

Campus Compact and Campus Policy Copies of both documents must be submitted to your program director usually in December in both English and Spanish Copies are also needed in your portfolio for your review in the spring Plan an annual parent meeting to review, revise both documents in the spring semester Provide documentation of your notice of the meeting, agenda, sign in sheet, minutes of the meeting, working copy and revised copies

Summer 2012 Portfolio Review Findings Compacts and PI policy out of place Excessive documentation: too many portfolios with large samplings (more than 2-3 examples) Agendas, sign-in sheets, minutes are REQUIRED for ALL meetings showcased in the portfolio Campus PAC information is not filed in the correct indicator TIA1: missing budget summary form with SIGNATURES and program evaluation form (previous year is OK) TIA11: evidence that parents received level of achievement TIA14: Component 10 does not show coordination of funds

Summer 2012 Portfolio Review Findings Falsified meetings Doctoring sign-in sheets (they must have the date of the event, job title of participants, location, time, and listing of topics discussed {NO WHITE OUT}) Middle/high school students and parents should sign the sign-in sheet No evidence of fall and spring PAC meeting Minutes not consistently used for ALL meetings Little to no evidence of input from parents Little to no evidence of a PD committee to review parental involvement needs for STAFF—not parents

Preview Binders Some of our campuses have graciously provided us with their binders for you to preview. There are as many ways of doing this task as there are campuses. Everyone’s organizational skills are different, therefore, the finished products are all different.

We are here to assist you in any way. Please do not hesitate to contact your program director. Dr. Bonnie Lenear- Aldine and Nimitz Verticals LaTashia Abrams-Eisenhower/Carver Vertical Alonda Jacks-Moorehead- MacArthur Vertical and Private NonProfits

Program Directors of Title I Contact Information Program Directors of Title I Mrs. Alonda Jacks-Moorehead 281-985-7274 Dr. Bonnie C. Leaner 281-985-6475 Mrs. Latashia Abrams 281-985-6418 Office Location Resource Center 14909 Aldine Westfield Road Houston, Texas 77032 Secretary 281-985-6442 FAX: 281-985-6303