The Colonies Grow Chapter 4
Chapter 4 Section 1
I. New England A. Immigration B. Towns C. Small Business D. Shipbuilding and fishing E. Triangular Trade
II. Middle Colonies A. Farms B. Ports (New York & Phila) C. Lumbering, milling, & small-scale manufacturing D. Religious & Cultural differences
III. Southern Colonies A. Dependent on tobacco and rice B. Slave labor C. Tidewater & Backcountry
IV. Slavery A. Economic success B. Culture C. Trades & skills D. Led to Civil War
Chapter 4 Section 2
I. English Colonial Rule A. Glorious Revolution B. English Bill of Rights C. Navigation Acts
II. Colonial Government A. Charter Colonies (Connecticut & Rhode Island) B. Proprietary Colonies (Delaware, Maryland, & Pennsylvania) C. Royal Colonies (Georgia, Mass, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, & Virginia) D. Voting Rights
III. Emerging Culture A. The Great Awakening (1720’s-1740’s) B. The Family C. Education 1. Harvard (1636) D. The Enlightenment (1750’s) E. Freedom of Speech
Chapter 4 Section 3
I. British-French Rivalry A. Rivalry Grows B. French Troops invade towns in Maine & New York= British capture Ft. Louisbourg C. Native American 1. Iroquois Confederacy Mohawks Seneca Cayuga Onondaga Oneida
II. American Colonists Take Action A. George Washington vs The French 1. 1753 & 1754= Failure….but still famous! B. Albany Plan rejected C. The French & Indian War