By Hailey,Savanna,and Gaby The Battle of Saratoga By Hailey,Savanna,and Gaby
Divide and Conquer Burgoyne presented a plan to invade America from Canada by going down the Hudson Valley to Albany. He would be joined by other British troops under the command of Sir William Howe. Howe would be bringing his troops north from New Jersey and New York City. Burgoyne thought that this plan would not only isolate New England from the other colonies, but gain command over the Hudson River and dishearten Americans and there would be allies (the French). In June 1777, Burgoyne’s army left from St. Johns on lake Champlain, bound for fort Ticonderoga, at the southern end of the lake.
Burgoyne thought that this plan would not only isolate New England from the other colonies, but gain command over the Hudson River and dishearten Americans and there would be allies (the French). In June 1777, Burgoyne’s army left from St. Johns on lake Champlain, bound for fort Ticonderoga, at the southern end of the lake.
Going South The army kept going south, Burgoyne drafted and had his men distribute a proclamation that said “I have but to give stretch to the Indian force under my direction, and they amount to thousands,” which leton that Britain’s enemies would suffer attacks from Native Americans allied to the british. More than any other attack during the campaign, this threat and later widely reported cruelties such as the scalping of Jane Mccrea forced the Americans to do whatever it took to make sure that the threat did not become a reality.
such as the scalping of Jane McCrea forced the Americans to do whatever it took to make sure that the threat did not become a reality. Jane’s Death Jane McCrea’s death has not been proven to have been at the hands of Native Americans or by other means, but her murder united Americans against the British and their Native American allies.
Round One of the Battle The Americans at fort Ticonderoga noticed that once the british mounted artillery on high ground near the fort, they would be defenceless. A retreat from the fort was ordered. The army set out for Hubairtin were the british troops and the german caught up with them and gave battle. Round one to the British.
A Change of Plans Burgoyne continued his march towards Albany, but miles to the south Sir William Howe decided to change the plan and attack the Rebel capital at Philadelphia rather than deploying his army to meet up with Burgoyne and cut off New England from the other Colonies. Meanwhile, as Burgoyne marched south, his supply lines from Canada were becoming longer and less reliable.
John Stark surrounded and captured almost 500 German soldiers word came that a substantial supply depot at Bennington, Vermont, was alleged to be lightly guarded Burgoyne dispatched German troops to take the depot and return with the supplies. John Stark surrounded and captured almost 500 German soldiers
The British were forced to rely on their supply line to Canada Burgoyne realized (too late) that the tories were not coming to his aid and that his native american allies weren’t coming Tories are loyalists The British were forced to rely on their supply line to Canada
The Battle of Freeman’s Farm
The British army crossed the Hudson and headed for Saratoga The two forces met at Freeman’s Farm Round two to the British
Battle of Saratoga
In late September and during the first week of October 1777, Gate's American army was positioned between Burgoyne's army and Albany. The troops crashed together south of the town of Saratoga, and Burgoyne's army was broken. 86 percent of Burgoyne's command was captured.
The victory gave new life to the American cause at a critical time The victory gave new life to the American cause at a critical time. Americans had just suffered a major setback the Battle of the Brandywine along with news of the fall of Philadelphia to the British.
Images of saratoga
Images of saratoga
pictures Person Canon War Dead people farm.jpg War battle-saratoga_355fa3ede881b0ab.jpg? British people