Level 3 Writing Grammar Focus: Relative clauses Children watch Sesame Street. These children may do better at school. repeated ideas Children who watch Sesame Street may do better at school. relative clause
relative clause Which students passed the exam?? The students worked hard. These students passed the exam. repeated ideas Which students passed the exam?? The students who worked hard passed the exam. relative clause “who” = relative pronoun
Underline the subject and verb in the following sentences: Students are studying the English language. These students have to work hard in class. What kind of word is ‘these’? Who are ‘these students’ in sentence 2? Underline the subject and verb in the following sentence: Students who are studying the English language have to work hard in class. What kind of word is ‘who’? pronoun relative pronoun
Underline the subject and verb in the following sentences: Students do not just rely on their lecturers. These students usually learn more. Join the information in these sentences with a relative pronoun: Students who do not just rely on their lecturers usually learn more.
a) People are tired. b) These people can have problems concentrating. People who are tired can have problems concentrating. c) People have good jobs. d) These people can earn a high salary. People who have good jobs can earn a high salary. e) People do exercise. f) These people are healthy. People who do exercise are healthy.
Underline the subject, verb and object in the following sentences: Children can find information on the internet. The children need this information. What kind of word is ‘this’? What is ‘this information’ in sentence 2? Children can find information which they need on the internet. What kind of word is ‘which’? How is ‘which’ different from ‘who’? Is the relative clause in this sentence part of the subject or the object? pronoun relative pronoun which = thing, who = person/people
Underline any subjects, verbs and objects in the following sentences: People like to eat restaurant food. This food is tasty and cheap. Join the information in these sentences with a relative pronoun: People like to eat restaurant food which is tasty and cheap.
a) Camels eat food. b) Humans can’t eat this food. Camels eat food which people can’t. c) University graduates can get jobs. d) These jobs pay a high salary. University graduates can get jobs which pay a high salary. e) There are many students. f) These students enjoy learning English. There are many students who enjoy learning English.
Why students should work in groups The first reason why students should work in groups is that they can help each other. For example, students who ___________________________________ can ask their classmates to explain things _________________________________ not understand. As a result, they can understand better and learn more compared to students who _______________________________________. Consequently, they may do better in the exams ______________________________have to take at university.