Media & YOU! Media Literacy
What is the media telling us and how closely are we listening? Our Big Question: What is the media telling us and how closely are we listening? Think for yourself!
Videos Take out a pencil and piece of paper to answer the video questions now!
Media Minute Introduction: What is media anyway? (1:30mins): “So what is media anyway?” Imagine a typical day in your life, and identify all the different kinds of media that are present.
Media Minute: Media are constructions (1:31mins): http://www. youtube “Think about a webpage, advertisement, or video, and identify all the parts in its construction. How are the parts put together and what is the goal of the creator? (show next slide for students to answer this question)
Magazine Advertisement TV commercial BURGER KING TV COMMERCIAL EAT LIKE SNAKE (1:00mins): j6d8XTQ “Think about a webpage, advertisement, or video, and identify all the parts in its construction. How are the parts put together and what is the goal of the creator?
Media Minute: Each medium has a unique aesthetic form (1:30mins): Each medium has a unique creative form “Think of a message you want to communicate to a specific audience. Choose the media (or combination of media) that will help you get the best results.
Which medium would work best for these messages? TV, Radio, Magazine, Internet, Newspaper, Billboards, Flyers, Brochures, Cell phones, etc….
Media Minute: Audiences negotiate meaning (1:31mins) http://www Different media will react differently to different media construction “Think of an advertisement, website, or social networking message. Identify how different people might react differently to it.
React to this! “Think of an advertisement, website, or social networking message. Identify how different people might react differently to it.” How might teen boys react to this ad? How might teen girls react to this ad? How might parents react? How might grandparents react? How do you react to this ad?
Media Minute: Media have commercial implications (1:31mins): Media have commercial implications “Think of any ad, online video, article, or website. Who is behind the message and why are they communicating it?”
“Think of any ad, online video, article, or website “Think of any ad, online video, article, or website. Who is behind the message and why are they communicating it?” New Old Spice TV Ad 2014 - Mom Song 60 (1:10mins):
Media Minute: Media have social and political implications (1:32mins): Media have social and political implications “Think about ads, articles, or websites, that influence positive (or negative) social or political change.”
Does this website influence change? “Think about ads, articles, or websites, that influence positive (or negative) social or political change.” Does this website influence change?
Watch you tube clip: http://www. youtube. com/watch Watch you tube clip: (5mins) Technology in 2019 - What the future of tech looks like [HD] (5:50mins): How will be the world in 2020? (5:19mins): The Workforce is Changing rapidly - How Will You Manage? (3:46mins): How Will Your Week Work? (5:13mins): Watch your day in 2020 [ Future Technology ] [HD] (5:32mins): An Ever Changing World (3:33mins): The Future Of Work (6:15mins): The future of tech 2019
Future Jobs Think about the videos we just watched. In groups, brainstorm all the media jobs that don’t exist now but you think may exist in the future.