-Nazis promised to improve the economy by not paying reparations, increasing the army-Break the Treaty of Versailles -Pro-capitalists-people feared a communist.


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Presentation transcript:

-Nazis promised to improve the economy by not paying reparations, increasing the army-Break the Treaty of Versailles -Pro-capitalists-people feared a communist revolution -Promoted German nationalism-“Mein Kampf”-theory of the “master race”-pure Aryan-superior to all others -Nazis blamed Jews & Communists in Germany for losing the war -1934 Hitler takes all power away from the Reichstag and becomes Fuhrer or leader-government is the THIRD REICH -ruled with authoritarian control -strong sense of nationalism like Napoleon

1935-Nuremberg Laws passed in Germany-deprives German citizenship of Jews people. Discrimination is legal -required to wear a yellow star of David to identify them-eventually sent slave camps (concentration camps-Dachau & Auschwitz) and eventually death camps (gas and ovens) or murder camps (lined up and shot) Hitler’s “Final Solution” Genocide - the planned destruction of a particular race

Events leading to war (Everything Hitler does in the1930’s after becoming Chancellor will be events leading to war) 1936 1. German troops sent by Hitler into Rhineland=buffer zone between France and Germany -Hitler tests the allies, will back down if France resists -No action is taken (violates the Treaty of Versailles) 2. Signs pacts with Japan & Italy Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis / Anti Comintern Pact with Japan-1936

1938-Germany takes control of Austria (wants to unite with Austria) -breaks the Treaty of Versailles - No action -Germany now wants Sudetenland -Part of Czech Republic that borders Germany-claims Czechs of German dissent live there-rich in resources

-1938 Munich Conference-Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany sign the Munich Pact-give him the territory but promise nothing more-APPEASEMENT-idea of giving in to demands of Hitler in order to avoid a war with him (grant concessions to potential enemies to maintain peace) Why? -don’t want another war-just fought one 20 yrs ago -World in Depression-don’t want cost of war -U.S. reluctant to help-depression/isolation Appeasement

-August 1939-Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact (1939) eliminates the possibility of a 2 front war –tricks Russia allows & allows them to invade Poland (they split Poland)

****-Sept. 1, 1939-Germany invades Poland using Blitzkrieg -lightening war-swift, massive air and land attack-START OF WWII -demand polish corridor -Easily defeats in 2 weeks -Sept 3, 1939-England and France declare war on Germany Axis Powers-Germany (Hitler), Italy (Mussolini), Japan (Hirohito) Allied Powers-France, G.B. (Churchill), Russia (Stalin) and other nations **U.S. is neutral (Franklin Delano Roosevelt)

-May 1940-Germany defeats France and occupies it-Germany controls all of Europe except for Britain -Late 1940-Royal Air Force (RAF) defeats the Luftwaffe (German air force) -England saved -1941-June-Germany invades Russia -breaks the Nonaggression Pact -December 7, 1941-Japan surprise attacks Pearl Harbor in response to Japanese sanctions on them-feared our territory in Asia and Pacific-killed 2,400, 200 planes, 19 ships-U.S. dec. war on Japan, next day Germany and Italy declare war on U.S. -U.S. had to fight on 2 fronts-Atlantic and Pacific-increase army and production-ended unemployment Note: President Franklin D. Roosevelt at beginning of war-dies in April 1945 Harry S. Truman succeeded him as President.

TURING POINTS During wwii 1. Battle of Midway -U.S. Sinks 4 Japanese aircraft carriers. June 1942 ended Japanese naval superiority in the Pacific. 2. 1943-Allies invade Italy-Sicily captured in 38 days then Italy - Italians overthrew Mussolini.