Renaissance – Age of Exploration Period 4 Review Renaissance – Age of Exploration
He invented the printing press? Guttenberg
Where did the renaissance begin? Florence
In order to invade England and to remove Elizabeth I from the throne Spain built this. The Spanish Armada
This was the movement of animals, plants, and diseases between the “Old world” and the “New World”? Columbian Exchange
This was a meeting that redefined and reaffirmed Catholic doctrine Council of Trent
The decline in the native populations of the New World (particularly the Caribbean) lead directly to the start of? The Atlantic Slave Trade
This order of monks was established during the Counter (Catholic) Reformation and is responsible for the founding of many foreign missions in Asia and the “New World”? Jesuits
He had a six wives and split from the Catholic Chruch? Henry VIII
He is credited with the first circumnavigation of the globe. Ferdinand Magellan
At this meeting Martin Luther was found guilty of heresy by the Holy Roman Emperor? Diet of Worms
Which conquistador conquered the Inca in South America? Francisco Pizarro
This split the globe between the Spanish and the Portuguese? Treaty of Tordesillas 1494
He wrote The Prince, a book that advised rulers on how to gain power and to keep it. Niccolo Machiavelli
What was the main difference between the Italian and Northern Renaissance? Northern Renaissance did not focus on humanism while the Italian did.
Why did King Philip II of Spain want to invade England? Elizabeth I was a Protestant and he was a Catholic
What are two examples of new technology that allowed Europeans to conduct their voyages? Caravel and astrolabe
He established a trade route between Portugal and India by sailing around the Cape of Good Hope? Vasco da Gama
This is the name given to the series of wars that sought to expel the Islamic Moors from the Iberian Peninsula? Reconquista
This is the practice of paying for the forgiveness of sin? Indulgences
The 95 Theses were written by? Martin Luther
Who was an example of a Renaissance Man? Leonardo da Vinci
Prince Henry the Navigator is best know for? Establishing a sailing school
Who was the leader of the Inca when the Spanish arrived? Atahualpa
What impact did the printing press have? Is made books cheaper and it helped increase the literacy rate
He was a leader during the Catholic Reformation and was the founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). Ignatius Loyola
This Renaissance concept is focused on accomplishments and capabilities of individuals. Humanism
As a result of Magellan's expedition Spain claimed this colony in the Pacific. Philippines
This crop arrived in the New World via the Columbian exchange and became vital to the commercial success of the region. Sugar
The number one killer of the native populations in the New World after the arrival of Europeans was? Disease
Rivalries and competition between European powers were sparked during the Age of Exploration because of the rise of what system? Mercantilism
What effect did the printing press have on the price of books and literacy rates? Books become cheaper and literacy rates increase
What art technique represents things that are true to life? Realism
Where did Martin Luther's ideas first take root? Germany (Holy Roman Empire)