Spirochaetes Spirillaceae Bacteria: Family : Spirochaetaceae Leptospiraceae Spirillaceae Species: Treponema Leptospira Spirillum Borrelia
What is spirillacea? rigid spirally curved elongate bacteria Spirillaceae is a family of bacteria Spirochaetes It has been described as a member of Nitrosomonadales ,in Betaproteobacteria Spiral shape of Spirillaceae
Phylum : Protobacteria Class : Betaprotobacteria Domain : Bacteria Phylum : Protobacteria Class : Betaprotobacteria Order : Nitrosomonadales Family : Spirillaceae Genera : spirillum
Characteristics Type : Gram negative bacteria Shape : long, helically coiled (spiral-shaped) cells Nature : chemoheterotrophic Lengths : between 5 and 250 µm and diameters around 0.1-0.6 µm Special : Differ from other bacteria by the location of the flagella / axial fillament which located between the bacterial inner membrane and outer membrane in periplasmic space.
Cont’d Mobility : Effect of the flagella cause a twisting motion which allows the spirochaete to move about. Reproduction : a spirochaete will undergo asexual transverse binary fission. Others : Most spirochaetes are free-living and anaerobic gram- stained spirochaetes
Various screw bacteria Borrelia, b) Treponema, c) Leptospira
Spirillum undulata b) Spirillum rubrum c) Spirillum volutans d) Vibrio cholerae In studying movement of bacteria the student should not confuse it with "Brownian movement", the trembling of minute objects when highly magnified. This is likely due to a molecular bombardment.
Disease Spirillum minus and Streptobacillus moniliformis arespecies of Spirillum. Spirillum minus cause rat-bite fever Rat Bite Fever ?? illness caused by bacteria transmitted by rodents, rats, in most cases, which is passed from rodent to human via the rodent's urine or mucous secretions.
Effects of Rat-Bite fever