The Earth A PowerPoint by: Ezequiel Zurita,Issi Sanchez Ruth Villa and Kiarah Taylor
Facts About The Earth The Earth is more than four billion years old. More than six and a half billion people inhabit The Earth. The Earth is the biggest of all terrestrial planets. The diameter of Earth is 7,926 miles. The circumference measured around the equator is 24,901. About 30% of Earths surface is covered with land while about 70% is covered with oceans.
Facts About The Earths Atmosphere The Earth’s Atmosphere is 77% nitrogen,21% oxygen that has trace’s of carbon dioxide and water. The Earths Atmosphere water recourse's ecosystems and human communities are effected. The Earths tempeature,weather,atmosphere and many other factor’s are just right to keep us alive. The Atmosphere becomes thinner until it gradually reach's space. It is divided into five layers. Most of the weather and clouds are found in the five layer’s.
More Facts About The Earth The Earth was made with tiny rocks to create the birth of The Earth. The Earth is the only planet known to have life,land,water,air and sun so human beings can live on The Earth . Earth is the only planet whose English name does not derive from Greek/Roman mythology.
Special Facts About The Earth The Earth is the only planet that has water on it’s surface. The Earth is traveling through space at a speed of almost 18 miles(50 km) per second. The Earth weigh’s about 6 trillion tons The Earths first picture of the worlds weather from space was taken in 1960 by the trios 1 satellite.
The Rotation Of The Earth The earth rotates about an imaginary line that passes through the North and South Poles of the planet. The line is called the axis of rotation. It takes 1 day to rotate on it’s axis and that’s what cause’s day and night. Earth travels about 1 / 365 of the way around the sun during one day There is a small difference between solar time and sidereal time. It takes The Earth 1 year to revolve around the sun. The Axis Of Rotation cause’s the season’s.
Did You Know… Every 4 years, we have 1 extra day on February 29.This is called a leap year. There are millions of other galaxy's in the universe. If The Earth were as big as Jupiter, it would fill the Earthrise image. Volcanoes, Earthquakes and heat from inside The Earth make’s it move. There is enough gold dissolved in sea water to give each person on the planet about 2 pounds.
Facts About The Earths Moon The Earths moon’s name is Luna. Luna is a beautiful world that lies some 384,400 kilometers from The Earth. The Moon takes about 27 days (27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, 11.6 seconds) to go all the way around The Earth and return to it’s starting position. The Moon is 4.5 billion years old. Looking down from the north pole we would see the Moon orbiting counterclockwise from west to east. The Moon is about 250,000 miles from The Earth. The moon orbits Earth at an average speed of 2,288 miles per hour.
The Earths Stars All stars were made from clouds of cold molecular hydrogen that gravitationally collapse. If you could collect all the stars together and put them in piles, the biggest pile, by far, would be the red dwarfs. The Red Dwarfs are stars with less than 50% the mass of the Sun. Some stars come in many pairs. there are 200-400 billion stars in our galaxy. The closest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri, located 4.2 light-years away.
Facts About Fossils Most fossils are invertebrates. When an animal or plant dies it is usually completely destroyed when either another animal eats it or when it decays. Fossils are the naturally preserved remains or trace’s of ancient life that lived in the geologic past. The kinds of fossils found in rocks of different ages differ because life on Earth has changed through time. Most fossils are the remains of extinct organisms; that is, they belong to plants or animals that are no longer living anywhere on Earth. Fossils represent the remains or traces of once-living organisms.
Credits PowerPoint By Pictures By Facts By Ezequiel Z. Google Images Ruth V. Issi S. Issi S. Ruth V. Kiarah T.