Team Coordinator: Markus J. Aschwanden Self-Organized Criticality and Turbulence 1st ISSI Team Meeting Conclusions and Outlook Team Coordinator: Markus J. Aschwanden 2012 October 15-19 International Space Science Institute (ISSI) Hallerstrasse 6, Bern, Switzerland
Conclusions: What did we learn at this meeting Where do we go from here Goals and plans for 2nd ISSI Team meeting (2013) Publications
Solar Physics Social Sciences Astrophysics Criticality Systems Interdisciplinary aspect Solar Physics Social Sciences Astrophysics Self-Organized Criticality Systems Magnetospheric Physics Biophysics Geophysics
Interdisciplinary aspects: SOC occurs in many different physical systems ! What properties of SOC are common in all physical systems? Are there statistical aspects that are universal in all systems? Are there universal parameters (fractal dimensions, powerlaw slopes) ? Where does the physics play a role (scaling laws of physical parameters)? Can we come up with a SOC theory that includes both universal statistical aspects and the physical scaling laws of a particular system?
Goals identified in our ISSI proposal : Data analysis of statistical datasets of SOC phenomena, using new and comprehensive data sets: Can we expect new observational results at 2nd ISSI Team meeting in 2013?
Goals and problems identified in our ISSI proposal : Data analysis of statistical datasets of SOC phenomena, using new and comprehensive data sets (2) Improve diagnostics of powerlaw-like distributions: How to identify scaling and universality in experimental and computational data? (Finite-size effects, variable drivers?) (3) How to identify and characterize between SOC and non-SOC mechanisms? (turbulence? network theory?) (4) What part of SOC phenomena is captured by lattice models and is there a route to basic theories and first-principle equations?
Metrics of Observables, Statistical Distributions and Physical Processes that need to be defined in order to discriminate SOC from non-SOC processes
Metrics of Physical Processes vs. Observational Properties Can we refine the metrics ?
Metrics of Physical Processes vs. Observational Properties Can we refine the metrics ?