The Picture of Dorian Gray by: Oscar Wilde
About the Novel - Victorian Era Set in London in the late 19th century Victorian Era = The Victorian Image, to most people, is a gray period, colorless, with strict moral conducts restraining liberal behavior. The Victorian era, however, was an era of covers. ‘Reputation’ became the primary interest of an average person. As Basil Hallward puts it “every gentleman is interested in his good name.” The Victorian Era was when the image of the ‘English Gentleman” was formed. As people, most notably, gentlemen, began to care more about their reputation, hypocrisy was spawned. People, began to hide their dark desires, and their misdeeds, while presenting a respectable face to the public. During this time Gothic literature, which explores the darkest corners of human nature, revealing criminal tendencies, and dark passions of seemingly normal people, became popular.
About the Novel - Aesthetic Movement Oscar Wilde did not invent Aestheticism, but he was a dramatic leader in promoting the movement near the end of the nineteenth century. Wilde advocated freedom from moral restraint and the limitations of society. This point of view contradicted Victorian convention in which the arts were supposed to be spiritually uplifting and instructive. Wilde believed Art was to exist for its own sake, for its own essence or beauty. The artist was not to be concerned about morality or utility or even the pleasure that a work might bring to its audience.
About the Novel - The Preface Written in response to the original publication, and consequent criticism, of the novel, Wilde included The Preface as a primer for how he intended the novel to be read. The Preface consists of several aphorisms about art. Aphorism = a pithy observation that contains a general truth i.e. "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"
Gothic Elements, Satire & Tragedy...Oh My! Gothic you remember any from last year? Satire...Wilde ridicules Victorian Aristocrats Tragedy...look for death...and hubris...and more death
About the Novel - Legend of Faust Remember Dr. Faustus? Look for Dorian Gray to make a deal with the devil...for what is he willing to sell his soul?
About the Novel - Themes Self-worship leads to self-destruction Earthly pleasures can never really satisfy a human being Influence and corruption and many, many it!
About the Novel - Language The Picture of Dorian Gray is full of: witty dialogue epigrams (pithy sayings that express an idea in a clever or amusing way--similar to aphorisms, except they are generally funny and often rhyme!) look for epigrams with paradox and irony (often written with beautiful parallel structure!) Sources:;;