Hadron experimental facility at J-PARC


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Presentation transcript:

Hadron experimental facility at J-PARC K. Ozawa (KEK)

J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) Tokai, Japan 50 (30) GeV Synchrotron (15 mA) Material and Biological Science Facility Hadron Hall 60m x 56m 3 GeV Synchrotron (333 mA) 400 MeV Linac (350m) Neutrino Facility World-highest beam intensity : ~1 MW x10 of BNL-AGS, x100 of KEK-PS 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa

Nuclear & Hadron Physics at J-PARC L,X N Z L, S Hypernuclei LL, X Hypernuclei Strangeness Hypernuclei -1 -2 d u s Pentaquark + He 6 K1.8 KL K1.1BR High p (not yet) SKS K1.8BR K1.1 Implantation of Kaon and the nuclear shrinkage K meson Free quarks Bound quarks Why are bound quarks haevier? Quark Mass without Mass Puzzle On the other hand, the hadron experimental hall looks like this. ● Proton beam comes here and various kaon beam lines are prepared, where K=1.8 means kaons with momentum of 1.8 GeV/c. ● At SKS, hypernuclear spectroscopy will be performed for a variety of nuclei. ● In particular, searches for double hypernucleus and pentaquark are the highlights in here. ● In this beamline, kaon implantation is planned. When kaon is implanted inside the nucleus, there is a possibility that high density matter is created. ● Kaonic atom and kaonic nucleus will be studied. ● This beam line is the neutral kaon line to study CP violation, and ● this line is for T-violation experiment. ● Finally, this line, which is not yet completed, is dedicated to the study of chiral symmetry, namely, the mass generation mechanism of bound quarks. Kaonic nucleus Kaonic atom Xray K− Proton Beam 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa 3

Summary of existing beam lines K1.8 KL K1.1BR High p (not yet) SKS K1.8BR K1.1(not yet) Name Species Max. Mom. Max. Intensity K1.8 p, K, p (2 separators) < 2.0 GeV/c ~105 Hz for K+ K1.8BR p, K, p (1 separator) < 1.0 GeV/c ~104 Hz for K+ K1.1BR < 1.1 GeV/c KL Neural Kaon ~ 2 GeV/c ~106 Hz 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa

South side North side KL SKS High Momentum K1.8BR K1.1BR 2014/03/07 絵の説明 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa 5

SKS Spectrometer K1.8 Beam Spectrometer Q13 Q12 D4 Q11 Q10 2014/03/07 実験エリアの現状 2009年秋からビームタイム開始 D4 Q11 Q10 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa 6

Physics Program @ J-PARC Hadron-Hadron interaction Strangeness Nuclear Physics Hyperon-Nucleon interaction Meson-Nucleon interaction Hadron in Nuclear Medium Chiral symmetry and hadron mass origin Internal structure of Hadron Exotic baryon (Penta Quark, H di-baryon) Di-quark correlations Hadron form factors I will pick up few examples. (Not cover all experiments. ) and introduce a new beam line. 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa

E19:Penta quark - results 2010 data Search for the Θ+ via the p+π-→K-+X Reaction at 1.97GeV/c No peak of Q+ was observed. U.L. (90%CL) 0.26mb/sr (2-14°) in 1.51-1.55GeV/c2 U.L.(90%CL) of GQ 0.72 MeV (1/2+) 3.1 MeV (1/2-) PRL 109 (2012) 132002 The first published (physics) paper from J-PARC Hadron. 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa

Experiment using Kaon beam Example… More experimental information on LN, XN, LL, SN interactions are awaited. Several related experiments are under preparation at J-PARC. Baryon fraction in neutron star g spectroscopy for light hyper nuclear using (K-, p-) reaction at pK=1.5 (or 1.1) GeV/c. Schaffner-Bielich, NP A804 (2008). Important Input from experiments. UL = - 28 MeV (c.f. UN = -50 MeV) Determined by Hypernucleus experiment at KEK-PS 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa

New Beam Line Construction of New Beam Line is proposed as a high priority plan of the lab. Characteristics of the beam line is following. Primary Proton Beam (30GeV), 1010-12 per spill High Momentum un-separated secondary beam (< 20GeV/c), 108 per spill Primary Proton Beam (8GeV) for COMET Basic Design of the beam line is done. Beam line components are under construction Physics Vector mesons in nucleus Charmed Baryon and hadron structure mu-e conversion (COMET) 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa

Experiment @ new beam line Hadron Mass as excitation levels of “vacuum” In light quarks (u, d, s) sector, hadron mass consists of Bare mass (Higgs) and Dynamical mass (QCD). Dynamical mass part is strongly related to a surrounded medium and reliable experimental information in a different medium is important. Vector mesons (r, w, f meson) are used as probes. Mass spectra of vector mesons can connect to qq condensates e.g. Hatsuda and Lee, PRC 46 (1992) R34 Use leptonic (electron) decays to avoid the final state interaction Mass [GeV] Obtain constituent quak mass Pseudo scalar meson as a NG boson (Jp=0-) 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa

Measurements of f meson at KEK-PS. The only one measurement on medium modification of f meson. R. Muto et al., PRL 98(2007) 042581 Cu bg<1.25 (Slow) e+e- invariant mass Decays outside nucleus Decays inside nucleus meson has NO mass modification Blue line shows expected line shape including all experimental effects wo mass modification meson has mass modification Modification is shown as an Excess Indication of mass modification! 2013/2/11 J-PARC Future 2013, K. Ozawa

Next Goal @ J-PARC Pb 100 times larger statistics will be collected. A clear shifted peak needs to be identified to establish QCD-originated effects Momentum Dependence Pb E325 results Extrapolate Proton 100 times larger statistics will be collected. 2013/2/11 J-PARC Future 2013, K. Ozawa

High momentum secondary beam The same beam line will be used as a high momentum secondary beam line which delivers un-separated secondary beam. Main component is p mesons K mesons and protons are also contained Phsyics Charmed baryon spectroscopy pN exclusive di-lepton production related to a structure function 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa

Key components High resolution of the beam momentum measurements using a dispersive focal plane method. Dp/p ~ 0.12% Spectrometer Small extraction angle to maximize a beam intensity. 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa

Production target & extraction Using beam swingers, extraction angle of 0 degree can be achieved. 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa

Secondary beam intensity 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa

Experiment: Heavy quark baryon l: orbital motion r: di-quark correlation When single quark picture is still a good picture, excited states are degenerated. If Cqq (q=u,d) system is considered as C and di-quark correlations, orbital motion of l is lowered due to the collectivity of the di-quark motion. Spin correlations between light quarks give additional level separations. Level pattern tell us: Mass of di-quark Strength of di-quark correlation Spin dependent correlation between light quarks 2013/2/11 J-PARC Future 2013, K. Ozawa Measurements of all levels are important

Missing mass Spectroscopy 2.3 Tm Dipole K+ DC PID Use forward D mesons production No Bias measurements up to 3GeV/c2 of Charmed Baryon mass H2 TGT PID Beam p- High rate Trackers (Fiber, SSD) DC p- TOF p- LAMPS Large Acceptance, Multi-Particle K, p from D0 decays Soft p from D*- decays (Decay products from Yc*) High Resolution High Rate SFT/SSD op. >10M/spill at K1.8 2013/2/11 J-PARC Future 2013, K. Ozawa

Summary Hadron experimental hall has following beam lines. K1.8, K1.8BR, K1.1BR, KL A new beam line for a primary proton beam is under construction In future, a high momentum secondary beam using the newly constructed beam line is under consideration. 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa

2014/03/07 K. Ozawa

Back up 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa

High-p/COMET beam line Steel-septum (Lambertson) magnet, Current-septum magnets x2 New Beamline magnets Dx7, Qx8 Collimators (H, V) 3 of existing beamline magnets (Dx1, Qx2) are replaced to avoid interference with new line Most of beamline magnets (D:7/7, Q:6/8) are reused ones Existing steering magnets (x2) to make a bump orbit vertically for beam extraction to high-p/COMET 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa

High-p/COMET beam line Beam plugs High-p beamline magnets Dx5, Qx3 Spectrometer Magnet Beam plugs high-p beam dump COMET beamline magnets Dx5, Qx4 COMET beam dump Capture Solenoid Most of beamline magnets (D:8/10, Q:5/7) are reused ones 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa

K- beam @ K1.8 K rate : 320k /spill (K/all=71%) MR power : 20 kW ( 2.51013 ppp ) ESS voltage :  250 kV 1.5 GeV/c 1.8 GeV/c K- K- Black : all events Green : BAC π-,μ-,e- π-,μ-,e- IFY=+2.7/-1.1mm, MS1/MS2=±1.7mm IFY=+1.8/-0.2mm, MS1/MS2=±0.9mm K rate : 320k /spill (K/all=71%) K rate : 290k /spill (K/all=75%) We can start nuclear/particle physics using Kaon beam. 2014/03/07 K. Ozawa