The 20 th Century Era By: Jessica W.
Information With the coming of the 20 th century another evolution in the musical world emerged. While some of the early 20 th century music can be seen as extensions of the late Romantic style, much of 20 th century music can be seen as rebellion. Composers did not look to build on what was standard but again created music freely and used songs that went against the current grain.
Cont. Twentieth century music can be described as being more refined, vague in form, delicate, and having a mysterious atmosphere. 20 th century music is an era that is hard to define in terms of musical style. The only easy way to define 20 th century music is that is does not fit into the romantic eras requirements. And because of its own expressions and orchestral technique it does not fit into any category but its own.
Inventions The era between , better known as the 20 th century, witnessed the birth of some remarkable inventions. Right from electronic gadgets, automobiles, to articles of everyday use; these inventions stupefied the world at the time they were made. But today they have become a part of our lives and one cannot imagine life without these things. The following are the important inventions of the 20 th century.
Examples of inventions The radio- invented by Gugliemo Marconi was the first among the major inventions of the 20 th century, in The Airplane- Invented by Wilbur and Orville Wright, in The Television- invented by John Logie Baird in 1926.
Influences from inventions The Radio- On December 12 th 1901, Italian physicist Gugliemo sent and received the first wireless transmissions over the Atlantic. The Television- The first generation of television sets were not entirely electronic. The display had a small motor with a spinning disc and a neon lamp.
Pictures of the radios & televisions This is a television This is a radio
Types of art Impressionism-is a product of positivist thinking as evidenced by the scientific examination of light. Impressionists recorded their individual perceptions of light and color. Impressionist paintings are suggestion or replica of reality, object or scene in nature. Each work demonstrates the artists intuitive response to nature, i.e. the transitory effect of light on water, the nature properties of light.
Types of Impressionism Luncheon on the grass, 1863 The Railroad, 1872
Post- Impressionism Post- Impressionism follows impressionism. The artists involved were influenced by impressionism although their work shares few similarities. Disinterested in recording light and color phenomena, Post- Impressionism is characterized by bright color, sharp, often outlined edges. In pursuit of individual goals, theories, and interests, they dont work or exhibit together.
Types of Post-Impressionism Quadrille at the Moulin Rouge, 1892 Moulin Rouge, 1893
Abstract Expressionism Abstract expressionism is more an attitude than a style. Originated in New York City in the mid 1940s, it involved artists from many different parts of the United States and Europe. Although frequently described as the first truly American art style, it has joint European and American roots and probably wouldnt have emerged without the extraordinary influx of European artists and intellectuals who emigrated before and during World War 2.
Examples of Abstract Expressionism The Golden Wall, 1961 The Liver is the cocks comb, 1944
Abstract Expressionism- Color field painting Color field painting, influenced by Matisse, Fauvism, and Surrealism was relatively inert and bare. Color applied to flat surfaces suggests and overall calm, meditative otherworldly place. The goal was to eliminate all obstacles between the artist and the idea, and between the idea and the viewer.
Examples of Abstract expressionism- color field painting Orange, tan and purple, 1954 Cityscape 1, 1963
Architecture Architecture of the 20 th century has its roots in the modern era and therefore known as modern architecture. In most modern buildings goes back-seat in comparison to that of the functionality of the building being the most important aspect of any building.
Example of 20 th century Architecture
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