MTA Guild The financial future Help us make our school a better place for all our children
This shows our income vs expenses from 2013 to now This shows our income vs expenses from 2013 to now. 2014 was a spike because that was the year we did APEX. We made $50,000 on that fundraiser that year. As you can see, this year we will have a shortfall because we have not raised as much as we have budgeted for the year.
This shows what our current amount is in savings, and how that is being broken down to be spent. The working projects section is things we are investigating purchasing, but haven’t yet.
In order to maintain our current level of expenditures - A Little Perspective…. In order to maintain our current level of expenditures - EACH STUDENT would have to raise $118.
This graph breaks down our budget by department.
The options? -We can cut expenses Which ones? How much? -We can prolong our big projects we have planned -We can increase fundraising -We can continue on and use our bank balance to help cover our fundraising shortfalls.