Dionysus by Jack & Nathan
Why people worshiped him? Dionysus was one of the many Gods to live on Mount Olympus. Also they worshiped him because he was very understanding and kind.
Age of Dionysus Today Dionysus was about 400years old when they officially stopped worshipping him. Today he is about 200,000years old!
Dionysus’s Pets Dionysus rode a leopard but no one knows why!
What Dionysus wore! Dionysus usually wore a robe with embroidered patterns in it. He also had a feather hat!
Dionysus’s powers Dionysus has super human strength also has resentence to injury. He possessed strength from his half brother the God of war Ares!
How he was born! Dionysus was born on mount pramnos. Zeus had given life to him from his thigh. Dionysus had two mothers Semele and Demeter!
Dionysus’s Weapons! Dionysus only had a staff as the God of wine they thought he didn't need many weapons .
Rank Dionysus was a variable God among the twelve he wasn’t really an important god. Hestia gave up her position as an Olympian to Dionysus so he could live among mankind.
How Dionysus died. Dionysus didn't die he was know to bring people from the underworld he also is a communicat between the Gods and the underworld!