Backdrop to Oedipus Rex The Origins of Drama Backdrop to Oedipus Rex
Dionysus God of wine, revelry, and fertility Twice-born: first from his mother, then from Zeus Died and was reborn each year thereafter
Early Drama Festivals to honor Dionysus Oldest elements were chorus (dance) combined with dithyramb (song) Very primitive Performed on a circular dancing floor Animal-like masks Men performed a story for (and likely about) Dionysus
Development Early festivals became more formal in the 7th and 6th centuries BC Thespis created the first actor by having a person ask questions of the chorus ThespisThespian 1st actor was called Hypokrites (to answer)
Competition Later festivals lasted 4-5 days from sunrise to sundown Each day, one poet presented four plays—3 tragedies and 1 comedy Panel of 10 judges voted for the winner based on audience reactions 1st place received a crown of ivy
The Theatre Pay close attention to the structure of the theatre in this short video…
Audience Everyone attended! People brought cushions to soften marble benches and food for the long day Crowd was often lively Burst into tears if play was powerful and well acted Hissed or whistled if play was poorly done
Play Structure 1. Prologue: a monologue or dialogue presenting the tragedy’s topic 2. Parados: first ode the chorus sings as it enters the orchestra a. strophe: a stanza in which the chorus moves in one direction b. antistrophe: a stanza in which the chorus moves in the other direction 3. Scene: actors forward the plot of the tragedy 4. Ode: chorus comments on the action of the previous scene 5. Exodos: final scene of the play
Starring Roles Gods usually played some role in Greek tragedy Mortal men (and women) generally came in conflict with the gods Chorus was used to comment on and/or question the action of the play Chorus often guided audience reaction to the plot Choragus was the chorus leader who sometimes interacted with other actors on stage
Getting into Character Masks were used to show character Actors and chorus all wore masks Masks indicated: Sex Age Emotion Masks ruled out the need for facial expression by the actors
Your Assignment Option 1: create a Greek-style mask that would represent you and write 1 full page explaining your reasoning. Option 2: write a 2-page narrative as though you were an ancient Greek who had just visited the theater festival; describe all that you experienced.