Please get ready to fill out your Vocabulary Study Sheet. Vocabulary Lesson 7-18 Please get ready to fill out your Vocabulary Study Sheet.
Vocabulary Lesson 7-18 Guess the meanings of the italicized stems by looking at the word in context. 1. Your MAP scores should show that you have made progress; you don’t want your scores to recede! 2. Even after suffering from a concussion, the young boy’s thoughts were lucid. 3. We studied protons, neutrons, and electrons in science class this year. 4. The assistant principals regulate behavior and attendance for the students. 5. Please check the thermostat; it is boiling in here!
Vocabulary Lesson 7-18 Stems and Meanings “Cede” – go “Luc”– light “Proto” – first “Reg” – straight; rule “Therm” –heat
Vocabulary Lesson 7-18 Example Words and Definitions Concede (v) —to go together; agree Recede (v)—to go back Lucid (adj)—easily understood Translucent (adj)—permitting light to pass through Proton (n)—the first particle in the nucleus of all atoms Prototype (n)—the first or original type Regular (adj)—governed by or according to rule Regulate (v)—to control or direct by a rule Thermos (n)—vacuum bottle for keeping temperatures Thermostat (n)—automatic device for regulating temperatures
Vocabulary Lesson 7-18 Created Sentences Can you develop 5 sentences on your own with a lesson 7-18 stem or example word in each? Let's hear your examples!