War Horse By Michael morpurgo
The Author
Setting World War One (1914-1918) The novel starts with Joey on a farm in Devon, England It then moves to the battlefields in France At the end of the war, the novel goes back to Devon, England. The war takes Joey across countries and allows the reader to see different perspectives from both sides of the battle: German and British.
Horses in World War One Horses used to be a major part of warfare – carrying soldiers in cavalry charges against the enemy. By World War One however, the use of machine guns made the use of cavalry troops deadly and unrealistic (as seen in Chapter 8). Horses were used for logistical support during the war because they could travel through deep mud better than vehicles of the time. Joey became one of these horses.
How would the story be different if it was told by a human? Narrator The novel uses a first person narrator Effectiveness of this? The narrator is a horse – Joey Very unique He relies on non-verbal communication He is emotionally distant and lacks introspection But his narration is still highly effective! How would the story be different if it was told by a human?
Characters Joey: He is the protagonist (main character) He is bought by Albert’s father and Albert takes the best care of him He experiences a lot of trauma in his life: he’s separated from his mother; later he’s separated from Albert and sold to the British Army; he fights in WW1; he sees his best friend, Topthorn, die; he almost dies himself…but his spirit can never be broken – he comes out through it all and is reunited with Albert after the war.
Albert Narracott He takes care of Joey from the start. They are the best of friends. Joey is then sold by Albert’s father, much to Albert’s despair. A few years later, Albert joins the British Army as a veterinarian medic. Albert and Joey are eventually reunited at the end of the novel (p.138-139: ‘And the way he whistled as he cleaned out the brushes was the whistle that went with the voice I knew…’ P. 142: ‘You know how serious I am about Joey. It’ll mean all the world to me to find him again. Only friend I ever had afore I came to the war…Only creature on this earth I felt any kinship for.’ Joey and Albert return to England after the war. Albert marries his sweetheart, Maisie.
Topthorn He is everything a horse should be – a strong, shining black stallion. He becomes Joey’s best friend during the war and they admire each other – they’re the strongest, smartest horses in the squadron. They help each other and make up for each other’s weaknesses Eventually the terrible conditions and the intense labour of the war become too much for Topthorn and he dies (p. 114) His caretaker, Friedrich says, “Why does this war have to destroy anything and everything that’s fine and beautiful?”
Other characters: Albert’s father: Captain Nicholls: He is often drunk. Him and Albert often argue. He buys Joey and doesn’t treat him well. Due to the heavy mortgage on the farm, he sells Joey to the British Army. At the end, he quits drinking and he regrets selling Joey. Albert seems to have forgiven him and they get on better. Captain Nicholls: Promises to look after Joey in the army. Treats Joey very well, but sadly dies in their first battle. Crazy Old Friedrich Emilie
Themes Warfare 2. Duty Friendship Courage The horrors of the reality of war – for soldiers, animals, civilians The never-ending suffering and destruction Is War Horse anti-war or pro-war? 2. Duty Throughout the novel, Joey never questions his duty, from farming, to pulling heavy machinery – he fulfils it tirelessly. Friendship Joey forms close friendships with Albert and Topthorn, as well as others… These relationships exist and thrive even in the trauma of the war, suggesting the power of friendship. Courage Soldiers and horses had to act without hesitation during the war, even in the face of certain death The courage of Joey and his fellow horses in doing all they had to do for the war. Courage comes in all different shapes and sizes.
Some questions… How does this novel give us a different perspective on World War One? If so, how? How well did you relate to Joey? Did you like the ending? Would you change the ending at all? If so, how?