Late Classical 4th c BCE
Praxiteles made these. Hermes and Dionysus Cnidian Aphrodite Greek Late Classical, Praxiteles, Cnidian Aphrodite, ~350 BCE; Greek Late Classical, Praxitiles, Hermes and Dionysus, ~340 B Hermes and Dionysus Cnidian Aphrodite
LYSIPPOS, Apoxyomenos (Scraper) LYSIPPOS, Apoxyomenos (Scraper). Roman marble copy of a bronze original of ca. 330 BCE, 6’ 9” high. LYSIPPOS, Apoxyomenos (Scraper). Roman marble copy of a bronze original of ca. 330 BCE, 6’ 9” high. Musei Vaticani, Rome. Apoxyomenos, LYSIPPOS: Established a different canon of proportions from that of Polykleitos
POLYKLEITOS THE YOUNGER, Theater, Epidauros, Greece, ca. 350 BCE. POLYKLEITOS THE YOUNGER, Theater, Epidauros, Greece, ca. 350 BCE and later.
Hellenistic sculpture
The Hellenistic world
Berlin, Pergamon Museum
, Pergamon Museum
Greek Hellenistic, Athena Battling Alkyoneos from Altar of Zeus, Pergamon, 175 BCE
Dying Gaul, Roman copy of bronze original from Pergamon, c230-220 BCE, c36 ½” high
Greek Hellenistic, Nike of Samothrace, 190 BCE
This is a long way from that, don’t you think!!
Greek Hellenistic, Aphrodite of Melos (Venus de Milo), ~150-125 BCE;
Greek Hellenistic, Barberini Faun, ~230-200 BCE
Alexander Mosaic from the House of the Faun Pompeii, Republican Roman. C 100 BCE. Mosaic
Alexander Mosaic from the House of the Faun (detail) Pompeii, Republican Roman. C 100 BCE. Mosaic
Alexander Mosaic from the House of the Faun (details of Alexander and Darius) Pompeii, Republican Roman. C 100 BCE. Mosaic
Greek Hellenistic, Seated Boxer, 100-50 BCE; Greek Hellenistic, Old Market Woman, 150-100 BCE
Greek Hellenistic, Seated Boxer, 100-50 BCE Greek High Classical, Polykleitos, Doryphorus, ~450 BCE
Laocoon and his sons c. 175-150 BCE Marble
Greek Hellenistic, Eros and Psyche, ~150 BCE; Greek Hellenistic, Boethos, Boy Strangling a Goose, 2cBCE
Whew!!!-the end